InterMountain Instructional Coaches facilitate two OTREN projects that work directly with specific schools and districts. Please review the projects and how to particpate on their respective pages.

IMESD/OTREN Regional Programs

Regional projects are open to all educators within OTREN districts and schools. The following programs that are facilitated by the IMESD instructional coaches are for individual educators rather than whole school participation. 

Please check the OTREN site for specific offerings from the Oregon Trail Regional Educator Network, including: a Principal Workshop, Science of Reading, MTSS, Women in Leadership, and more. 

Unique and Personalized PD

The IMSED coaches can also provide personalized PD designed for your district, school, team, grade band, or content area with built in follow-up including school visits from the coaches. These should be focused on strategies or skills not content or curriculum. PD offerings include:

Have a specific date in mind?
Please contact the coaches ASAP as our calendars fill up quickly.