
A Teacher

Whether we accept it or not, each one of us is a teacher...

Dr. A.P.J. Kalam said, "Great Teachers emanate out of Knowledge, Passion, and Compassion".

I am deeply inspired by these words. I am passionate about teaching and consciously try to keep my heart in the right place.

And, I am fortunate to have some of the most sincere and hardworking students... So, they simply keep my enthusiasm alive.

a brief portfolio

Sharing my knowledge is my passion. I am happy to encapsulate it in the form and shape that fits the need. While I teach some regular courses, I also conduct workshops that could be as short as 2 hrs to as long as a week or two long. Am happy to facilitate special need capsules for the purpose of continuing education.

My areas of expertise are :

  • Digital Circuits and Systems (VLSI) Design with a specialization in Memory Circuits and Subsystems

  • Creativity Methods & Inventive Problem Solving

  • Personal Leadership and Emotional Intelligence

Do drop in a word if you think that I can be of help...