Courses in the third semester

MMT-009 Mathematical Modelling (2 Credits)

In this course we will introduce your to Mathematical modelling. This course has a practical component but no term end examination. A file has to be prepared and submitted as part of internal assessment. You can find material for the course here.

MMTE-001 Graph Theory (4 Credits)

In this course we will introduce your to Graph Theory. Our point of view is predominantly algorithmic. This course has a practical component worth one credit. The text book for the course is `Graph Theory' by `Douglas West'. You can find the study guide for the course here.

MMTE-002 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (4 Credits)

In this course we will study learn how to analyse algorithms. In general an algorithm is a step-by-step recipe for carrying out a process. You have studied many algorithms like the multiplication algorithm (in the High School), Euclidean algorithm etc. These were alogrithms meant for a human being. The algorithms that we study in this course are meant to be run on computers. We will learn some design strategies for algorithms like Divide and Conquer, Dynamic Programming and Greedy method. We will also see how to find the running time of computer algorithms. It will be a good idea to revise the concepts of lists, queues etc that you studied in MMT-001. The text book for this course `Introduction to Algorithms' by Cormen, Rivest, Leiserson and Stein, third edition. The syllabus is here.

MMTE-004 Computer Graphics (2 Credits)

This is a course on Computer Graphics. As the name suggests, the course deals with methods, alogorithms and techniques for drawing images on a compuer screen or other graphic devices. The course has a project component worth one credit. The course is a wraparound course, the text book being `Computer Graphics, C version' by Hearne and Baker. You can find the study guide here.