Courses in the first semester

MMT-001 Programming and Data Structures (4 Credits)

In this course, we introduce you to programming and data structures through the C programming language. We hope you are familiar with basics of computers. By basics, we mean that you know how work with files, edit a file in an editor and save your work in a file. If you have never worked with computers, we advice you to learn these basics from any of the many basic books on computers available. In the practical guide, we will explain how to type in a C program, how to save it, how to compile it and how to debug(find and remove the mistakes) for some of the popular packages available for C programming. We have also summarised the basic working of a computer in the appendix. You will not be examined on its contents, but a familiarity with it will help you to understand our discussion in these blocks. We do not expect you to know programming, but if you have any previous programming experience it will certainly be helpful. This course has a 2 credit practical component. Click here to access the course material..

MMT-002 Linear Algebra (2 Credits)

This course provides the background in Linear Algebra required for other courses. The main topics in this course are Method of Least Squares, Unitary Matrices, Unitary Diagonalisation of Self Adjoint Matrices, QR decomposition, SVD decomposition and Moore-Penrose inverse of a matrix. Click here to access the course material..

MMT-004 Real Analysis (4 Credits)

This course provides the background in Real Analysis required for the other courses. The main topics are metric spaces, connectedness, compactness, Derivative of functions of several variables, Implicit Function Theorem, Inverse Function Theorem, Measure theory and Lebesgue Integration. Click here to access the course material.

MMT-005 Complex Analysis (2 Credits)

This is a basic course in Complex Analysis. We start with a discussion of representation of complex numbers, basic results on complex numbers. We discuss elementary functions like trigonometric functions, exponential functions, hyperbolic funtions and the complex Logarithm. We introduce you to complex integration and discuss Cauchy's theorem, Cauchy's integral formula and the residue theorem. We also discuss some of the standard topics like Taylor's expansion, Laurent expansion, maximum modulus principle and Mobius Transformations. Click here to access the course material.

MMT-007 Differential Equations and Numerical Solutions (4 Credits)

This course has two parts The first part teaches theory of Differential Equations. The second part teaches Numerical Soluctions. This course has a one credit practical component. Click here to access the course material.