United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime

UNODC Student Officers

Christopher Ginting (UWCSEA Dover)
Deputy Chair

I'm an 11th-grade student at UWCSEA Dover in Singapore, currently pursuing the IB Diploma with a focus on STEM. 

I'm also a member of UWCSEA varsity teams, competing in golf against other schools across Asia. I'm actively involved in various environmental and humanitarian activities, such as leading a Global Concerns organization that helps schools in Ladakh, a disputed region in the Kashmiri Himalayas. 

I thoroughly enjoy participating in MUN conferences and I’m excited to chair delegates in SIMUN who come from diverse backgrounds from various schools in Singapore and from other countries! You might have seen me chair in SJIIMUN, or delegate in SAISMUN and SEASACMUN.

In my free time, I read good manga, play drums and play chess.

Lazlo Hebert (IFS)
Head Chair

Hello everyone! I am Lazlo, a passionate MUN enthusiast hailing from the International French School of Singapore. My journey in Model United Nations (MUN) started at grade six, where I began as a delegate, and since grade eleven, I have been leading the charge as a chair. This April, I joined the SIMUN 2024 Executive team.

The thrill of debating intricate issues, the exhilaration of public speaking, and the joy of collaborating with others to devise solutions are just some of the aspects that I deeply cherish about MUN. I am particularly thrilled to be leading the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) at the SIMUN 2024 conference. Although we may face formidable challenges, I am confident that together, we can make a significant impact.

I eagerly anticipate meeting you all and collaborating with you towards ensuring the success of the SIMUN 2024 conference.

Aaron Shen (IFS)
Deputy Chair

Hello, I am Aaron. I am proud to say that I have come a long way since the beginning of my MUN journey in grade 7. We all had our humble beginnings and mine was no exception. Reflecting on the past six years of engaging in MUN starting from being a delegate and now chairing, I can confidently say that the experience has been immensely rewarding. Undeniably, MUN has been a transformative journey, offering opportunities for growth and learning. 

The beauty of MUN lies in its ability to instill and reinforce essential values applicable to various facets of life. From debating to collaborating, I truly believe that MUN is an experience that transcends personal backgrounds and perspectives. 

I am more than thrilled to announce that this year I will be chairing for the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) at the SIMUN 2024. I anticipate fruitful debates and impactful resolutions. Whether this is your first or last conference, ultimately my goal is to make sure it is your most memorable one. 

Here's to meaningful discussions, collaborative problem-solving, and creating lasting memories at SIMUN 2024!

UNODC Research Reports
