Human Rights Council

HRC Student Officers

Amelie Mous (UWCSEA Dover)
Deputy Chair

Greetings delegates, welcome to SIMUN 2024! My name is Amelie Mous, a grade 10 student from UWCSEA Dover campus. I have been participating in MUN since middle school, and have attended 5 conferences as a delegate, including SIMUN last year. This is my first time chairing, but I am committed to make this conference a positive experience for all. I am looking forward to seeing you all at the conference! 

Tian Yi Zhang (UWCSEA Dover)
Head Chair

My name is Tiffany Zhang, and I am a grade 11 student from UWCSEA Dover campus. I have been a delegate in 5 conferences throughout the years since I started MUN in middle school. As for chairing, I chaired in SIMUN 2023, and MYTMUN 2023, and also have a position in the upcoming SEASACMUN 2024. Despite my existing experience, SIMUN 2024 is an exciting new opportunity for discussion on important global issues, and thus I am more than honoured to chair for SIMUN once again.

Zou Ziyuan (ACS)
Deputy Chair

Dear delegates, my name is Zou Ziyuan, or you can call me avalon. I have participated in 4 conferences prior, and this is my first time chairing. I am honoured to be a part of your SIMUN experience, whether this may be your first or last MUN conference. I hope we can make memories, establish bonds and embrace international diplomacy together. 

HRC Research Reports
