Security Council

SC Student Officers

Skanda Mahesh (UWCSEA Dover)
Deputy Chair

My name is Skanda Mahesh, and I am a Grade 11 student. So far I have delegated in 9 MUN conferences since I began High School, and SIMUN 2024 will be my first chairing experience as a deputy chair of SC. As it is my first time, SIMUN is an intriguing opportunity to finally experience a position as chair, which I have been looking to fulfil for some time now. 

Annika Mishra (UWCSEA Dover)
Head Chair

Hi everyone! My name is Annika, I’m a junior at the United World College of South East Asia Dover in Singapore and have been involved in MUN for almost 5 years now. I’ve attended 12 conferences, 8 as a delegate and 4 as a chair; I’m a passionate Chemistry student and I enjoy Economics as well, which is a reason why I really enjoy doing MUN. I’ve been to many different conferences, both in Singapore and abroad! One of my favourite conference experiences was attending IASAS in Bangkok a few years ago; the quality of debate and topics made for a really great conference! I’ve participated in so many different committees along the way - SPECPOL, Security Council, HRC, etc - but my most favourite ones would be US Senate and the International Court of Justice, since I have a passion for law and diplomacy. 

I’ve been to SIMUN twice now already - once as a delegate in the Security Council and as the Head Chair of the Human Rights Council last year. As such, I’m really excited to be back one last time and serve as the Head Chair of the Security Council! I’m excited to see how delegates form solutions to complex issues at hand and work cohesively to ensure peace and prosperity. 

Daneesha Muniswaran (ICS)
Deputy Chair

My name is Daneesha Muniswaran and I am currently in eleventh grade. After participating as a delegate at numerous conferences since joining Model United Nations, I am eager to experience chairing at a high school level as a deputy chair. Being my first time, I am sure that there is much to gain from this experience and look forward to this enriching exposure to further my Model United Nations journey. 

SC Research Reports
