Economic and Social Council

ECOSOC Student Officers

Ethan Chan (ACS)
Deputy Chair

Hey! I’m Ethan, a year 3 at ACS(International) and I am honoured to be able to take up a role as deputy chair in ECOSOC at SIMUN 2024

I have been involved in my school’s MUN CCA for 2 years and I have found myself at numerous MUN conferences during those years and have also immersed myself in a diverse range of experiences.

I’m hoping that throughout the course of the conference that there will be much fruitful debate, and that with my guidance that it will be an enjoyable conference for all of you.

I’m looking forward to helping give the delegates an unforgettable conference that they will look back on with fond memories

All the best,

Ethan Chan

William Hay (IFS)
Head Chair

Hallo! My name is William, a grade 10 student from IFS, and it is my pleasure to be participating in this year’s SIMUN 2024 as the Head Chair of ECOSOC. 

I have been a part of my school’s MUN club for over 5 years, participating in several conferences during my MUN career, gaining indispensable experience for both myself and my fellow peers. 

I strive to share that experience with all of you, this conference hopefully being one of fruitful debate, resulting in decisive and effective resolution of many issues throughout the world. 

I am eager to guide this committee and contribute to this great conference, a conference that all the delegates will remember fondly. Let it be a great experience for us all to gain knowledge, debating skills and of course, have fun.

Best regards, 

William Hay

Louise Babot (LFRD)
Deputy Chair

Hi! ​I'm Louise, a junior at LFRD located in Phnom Penh and I am pleased to serve you as the Deputy Chair for the ECOSOC committee for this year's SIMUN conference 2024.   

Having been part of my school’s MUN workshop for almost two years, I have occupied diverse roles and immersed myself in various debates. 

My commitment to finding solutions and determination will provide me to assist the delegates during the debate and will hopefully inspire many of you. 


I hope that the delegates will enjoy themself and have a memorable experience.  

Looking forward to meeting you, 

 BABOT Louise

ECOSOC Research Reports

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