Diversity in ecosystems

Biomes are climatically and geographically defined as similar climatic conditions on the Earth, such as communities of plants, animals, andsoil organisms,[1] and are often referred to as ecosystems. (from wikipedia)

Introduction to Biomes (by Gregorio Productions)

Map of Biomes in the Earth.

Table of terrestrial ecosystems (from Santillana 2 ESO Natural Science Book)

Biomes Wordsearch

Bill Nye the Science Guy- Biodiversity




·      What is it? - Define

·      How is it? -Describe

·      Pictures.

·      Geographical places (names + map).

·      Flora & Fauna (names and pictures).

·      Bibliography (webs and books)

o  Public oral Presentation- everybody – 5-10 minutes-

o  DEADLINE: 26th March

Sen your work by email before the deadline to the teacher´s email, your email subject should be like in the example:


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