07.2- Interaction

Tropisms are growth responses of plants that result in curvatures of plant organs toward or away from certain stimuli. Tropisms can be positive, in which case the plant will bend toward a stimulus, or negative, in which case the plant will bend away from a stimulus. Important tropisms in plants include phototropism,gravitropism, and thigmotropism.

Read more: http://www.biologyreference.com/Ta-Va/Tropisms-and-Nastic-Movements.html#ixzz3anuXJHct

Nastic movements are rapid movements of plant organs in response to a stimulus that results from alterations in cell volume in a specialized motor organ called a pulvinus. For example, handling of the touch-sensitive leaves of Mimosa pudica results in the folding of its leaflets within a few seconds and is an example of a thigmonastic movement.

Read more: http://www.biologyreference.com/Ta-Va/Tropisms-and-Nastic-Movements.html#ixzz3anudw3u0

Nastias na mimosa pudica