LOOK AT LANGUAGE: How to use the adverbs ALSO, TOO, AS WELL.

These three adverbs are easily confused, watch this video to have no doubt about their use:

To know more, click on the image.

Now you are ready to use these adverbs in your texts to make them more fluent and easy to read.

Today we are going to write a "Recommendation Essay". To do so, we'll use the model text on page 42 Mosaic 2. You can see it here, as well.

As you can see there are three paragraphs, but we can even make four:

  • Paragraph 1: What is the problem? What is the cause? What will happen if we don’t do something about it? Example:

Air pollution is a big problem in our world. It comes from…...and …. as well. If we don’t stop polluting the air, …..

  • Paragraph 2: Describe one way to help reduce the problem and how it will help. Example:

There’s a lot of traffic on our roads, which causes air pollution. Using public transport can help reduce the number of cars on our roads

  • Paragraph 3: Describe another way to help reduce the problem and how it will help. Example:

We can also think more carefully about the consumption of food. If we choose local food, these products will have to travel short distances instead of very long and expensive ones, so this option is more eco-friendly.

  • Paragraph 4: Conclusion. Example: If everyone makes small changes to how they live, we may be able to improve the quality of the air we all breathe.

You can use the following worksheet to work in pairs