Didactic sequences on the topic of SUSTAINABLE DIETS.

These sequences have been designed using IBSE (Inquiry Based Science Orientation) and STEAM (Science-Technology-Engineering-Art-Mathematics) approaches. They include metacognitive strategies to guide students on their own learning :

Didactic unit 1: How does foodstuff arrive at our plates?

Català_DU1_Com ens arriben els aliments a la taula?

Deustch_DU1_Wie kommt das Essen auf unsere Teller

English DU1 How does foodstuff arrive at our table?

Português_DU1_ Como é que os alimentos chegam aos nossos pratos?

Slovenský_DU1_Ako sa protraviny

Didactic unit 2: Micronutrients and health

Català_DU2_Micronutrients i salut


English_DU2_Micronutrients and health



Didactic unit 3: Agriculture, sustainability and robotics







Didactic unit 4: Future food

Català_UD4_ Dietes del futur

Deutsch_DU4_Future food

English_UD4_Future food

Español_UD4_ Dietas del futuro

Português_UD4_Dietas do futuro

Didactic unit 5: Nutrition and climate change

Català_DU5_Nutrició i canvi climàtic

Deutsch_DU5_Unsere Nahrung – betrachtet aus der Klimaperspektive

English_UD5_Nutrition climate change

Português_DU5_Nutrição mudanças climáticas

Slovenský_UD5_Pohľad na výživu v súvislosti s klimatickou zmenou

Didactic unit 6: Food ecological footprint

Español DU 6: La huella ecológica de nuestros alimentos

English DU 6: The ecological footprint of what you eat

Deutsch DU 6: Der ökologische Fußabdruck deiner Nahrung

Català DU 6: La petjada ecològica dels nostres aliments

Didactic unit 7: Local solutions for a global problem

Português DU 7: Soluções locais para um problema global

Slovenský DU 7: Lokálne riešenie globálneho problému

Español DU 7: Soluciones locales para un problema global

English DU 7: Local solutions for a global problem

Deutsch DU 7: Lokale Lösungen für ein globales Problem

Català DU 7: Solucions locals per a un problema global

Didactic unit 8: Let Packaging Not Be Waste

Português DU 8: Para que a embalagem não seja um desperdício

Español DU 8: Que los envases no sean residuos

English DU 8: Let's packaging not be waste

Deutsch DU 8: Lass Verpackungen nicht als Müll enden

Català DU 8: Que els envasos no siguin residus

Sabadell: artistic productions related to healthy nutrition and global warming

  • Healthy and Sustainable (exhibition made by the 120 students of 3rd ESO at INS Sabadell)

  • Videos on sustainable products

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Sabadell students presentations:

A) related to the topic "What I eat and global warming"

B) Presenting themselves and their countries at the first exchange in Tadim

C) Explaining the foreign exchanges to their local mates