About MEGA

About MEGA:

MEGA stands for Make Environment Great Again. And it is formed by high schools from different European countries, whose students and teachers are deeply concerned about climate.

These schools are:

  • Lycée Miche-Rodange (Luxemburg) - coordinator

  • Gymnázium bilingválne (Slovakia)

  • Wittekind-Gymnasium Lübbecke (Germany)

  • IES Miguel Catalán (Spain)

  • I Liceum Ogolnokszatalcace w Toruniu (Poland)

  • Enseignement fondamental et secundaire de la Providence à Champion (Belgium)

Slovakia's MEGA Club introduction

Germany's MEGA Club introduction

Spain's MEGA Club Introduction

Poland's MEGA Club introduction

Luxembourg's MEGA Club Introduction

Belgium's MEGA Club Introduction

What's MEGA News?

MEGA News is a new project that we have started to share with you the most relevant environmental information and the steps we take to cope with climate change. Here we will write some of the most relevant environmental news and the steps we are taking to cope with climate change. Remember, you are part of the solution!

Our goals:

Our goals are concrete results change in the environmental policy at the participating schools such as how to deal with waste (keyword "plastic"), to safe energy and resources (electricity, water, paper), upcycling and so on.

Furthermore, the MEGA Clubs groups in all participating schools are supposed to achieve high-quality skills, which implies:

  1. Raised awareness of political topics and their international dimension in the context of EU citizenship - "Environmental issues do not know borders.

  2. Raised awareness of the social responsibility of the individual in the schools' communities.

  3. Raise democracy skills from debating and political knowledge among the students.

  4. Make sure that schools are enabled to organise a MUN conference on an environment topic on their own by using the material created during the project period.

  5. Raised awareness of potential individual action and responsibility by getting in touch with the professional world of waste companies, research institutes, etcetera.

  6. Last but not least, it may be bold to dream of the introduction of a school subject: "Sustainability" as part of the official school curriculum. But most projects once started with a dream, and our MEGA youth clubs will be a valuable step in this direction.