Germany's MEGA Club introduction

Front row (from left to right): Burcin, Ms. Röwekamp, Luise, Paula, Emma, Lina

Back row (f. l. t. r.): Lillith, Sascha, Madlen, June, Siobhán

Our MEGA club in Germany had to be renewed due to Corona. Only one grade could be in the group, so we could not ask the older students, who already had experience, for assistance. Because of that, our start was slow, but by now we are twelve students in our group. Our teacher, Ms Röwekamp helps us, but we are trying to organize the most on our own.

Most of us did not know about the MEGA project, but the ones who knew invited the others.

In the first weeks, we tried planning various activities, like preparing a "cleaning day" or the building of insect hotels with the younger grades, but we also discussed various important worldwide topics, like Corona or the elections in America.

During the times we were present at school, we agreed on having our meetings weekly on Wednesday during lunch break, but since the lockdown, we were not able to meet. That is the reason why we could not further plan or execute previously mentioned activities, but we hope the circumstances will change, soon.

Currently, we are planning on having videoconferences to have progress, but we have no results yet. If we can have those, we surely will be closer to fulfilling future projects.

MEGA Club Germany