Spain's MEGA Club introduction

Hello everyone, we are the MEGA Club from Spain, based in IES Miguel Catalán in Zaragoza. Currently, we do not have any homeschooling, so we meet on a 14-day basis, even though we sometimes have some unscheduled meetings. That is a remarkable change since last year because it was completely impossible to maintain regular meetings during the lockdown.

We are just ten club members. However, this year we have involved the students of 1º of ESO, the 12-year olds, who mostly do posters and other activities to learn about climate change and focusing on water consumption. While we, the older MEGA Club members, are involved in more complex projects. For example, the experiment we did with the CSIC, a public-owned scientific organisation in Spain, examining water pollution in a close river to our school. The results were worrying, as the samples we took had a high concentration of coliform bacteria, which are found in the human intestine.

The other projects we are involved in are the creation in the following weeks of a recycled paper workshop; to teach younger students how to be more responsible with the amount of paper we consume, and the recently created Environmental Commission, of which I am a member.

The Environmental Commission will control and analyse the water consumption in our school and recommend new ways to reduce this consumption. Its work will start in a few days, and we will keep you informed about its effect on our water consumption. The first thing was to select its logo through a drawing contest among the students. Here are the winner and both finalists, what do you think about them?

Juan Puimedón, MEGA Club Spain