Un viaje emocionante

Eran las 4.00 de la madrugada cuando salía de casa para ir a la estación. Casi una hora más tarde el bus,con destino el aeropuerto de Barajas, se ponía en marcha. Mis otros 3 compañeros y yo ya nos habíamos despedido de nuestras familias, a quienes volveríamos a ver dentro de dos meses.

El trayecto duró 3 horas y al llegar a la T4 de Madrid fuimos a hacer el check-in. Teníamos los nervios a flor de piel porque no sabíamos si las maletas iban a sobrepasarse del peso permitido o no. Afortunadamente, todas menos una estaban dentro del límite. Una vez facturadas las maletas tocaba el control de seguridad. Antes de pasar por él, todos estábamos bebiéndonos corriendo el agua que llevábamos porque si no nos la iban a quitar. Este proceso fue el más largo y agobiante porque tuvimos que quitarnos todo y sacar las cosas de la mochila.

Media hora después, corríamos por los pasillos del aeropuerto para llegar a tiempo a nuestra puerta de embarque, para luego tener que esperar porque el avión se había retrasado. El vuelo se nos hizo un muy pesado, porque fueron 4 horas en las que pasamos muchos nervios y bastante calor.

Cuando aterrizamos en Helsinki estábamos flipando con la cantidad de nieve. Desde el aeropuerto, fuimos a la estación de trenes, porque antes de llegar a nuestro destino final teníamos que coger tres. Lo pasamos bastante mal para llevar las maletas porque nos tocó subir al segundo piso en dos de ellos y el equipaje pesaba bastante. Finalmente, alrededor de las siete de la tarde pisábamos por primera vez la ciudad que iba a ser nuestro hogar durante dos meses: Jyväskylä.


Mi primera semana en Jyväskylä

La primera semana fue muy intensa porque nos tuvimos que adaptar a la nueva rutina. Eso sí, en el instituto fue tarea fácil porque las clases son muy relajadas y diferentes a las españolas. Las instalaciones nos encantaron, parecen como del futuro. Lo que más raro se nos hizo fue tener que comer a las 11-12 de la mañana, algún día incluso a las 10.30, eso sí la comida de la cafetería está bastante rica.

Esa semana tuvimos que aprender a coger los autobuses y a llegar a nuestras casas sanos y salvos, lo que nos provocó cierto dolor de cabeza pero también muchas risas. Fuimos a un concierto en el instituto y nos lo pasamos realmente bien. Junto con Sara, mi estudiante de acogida, fui a dar un paseo por el centro de la ciudad y a visitar una torre desde la que se ve toda la ciudad. Para combatir el frío, un chocolate calentito y un Munkki (dulce finés).


Our culture

We made a presentation about our country in spanish class


Along with my family I did a snowman. We also tried to do a dog but it wasn't sucessful at all

La vida en Finlandia

Ya llevo aquí 24 días para ser exactos y cada día me siento un poco más finlandesa. He podido ver la Pascua de otra forma, con los niños repartiendo ramas de sauce decoradas, grandes hogueras para quemar las malas vibras y comiendo Mämmi, el postre típico de estas fechas pero que no a todo el mundo le gusta. Como no podía faltar, cociné para mi familia de acogida unas torrijas, que desaparecieron en un abrir y cerrar de ojos.

También he podido hacer cross country skii, patinaje sobre hielo e incluso me he tirado en trineo. Por supuesto, hemos recorrido el centro de la ciudad e incluso he enviado una postal con destino Zaragoza. Además, fui con mi familia a Härmä, un pueblo tres horas al norte de Jyväskylä, a visitar a sus familiares. Fue un poco incómodo porque no sabían inglés y yo no entendía nada pero me encantó la zona.

Para terminar la semana, fuimos nos reunimos todos los estudiantes de intercambio e hicimos nuestra propia hoguera, donde cocinamos salchichas e hicimos s'mores. Fue una tarde inolvidable.



Sara, her sister and I went sledging one afternoon. Apart from having fun, we were delighted by an incredible sunset


The three of us achieved to light our own camfire together. We laughed a lot doing it

Tan solo un mes más

Cada día que pasa estamos más familiarizados con la ciudad y nos sentimos como uno más dentro de los estudiantes. Esta semana hemos disfrutado al máximo también y hemos vivido otra celebración típica de aquí: Vappu. Durante estos días hemos tenido una programación especial en el instituto. Gracias a eso, hemos visitado el ayuntamiento, la universidad de Jyväskylä y también Jamk. Por último, visitamos un museo, donde acabamos jugando al dominó.

Durante el fin de semana tuvimos que combatir el mal tiempo, pero aún así fuimos a un pequeño parque de atracciones e incluso hicimos un picnic.

El domingo por la mañana, mi familia y yo preparamos un brunch para celebrar la fiesta. Nos pusimos las botas porque estaba todo buenísimo. Probamos el jamón serrano español que les traje y triunfó; a cambio me dieron a probar la Simma, una bebida típica de Vappu.

25-4-22/ 1-5-22


Sara and I baked this delicious muffins for the movie night we held at "our" place

Sushi buffet

On wednesday we went to eat to a sushi buffet. We ate a lot and we had a really great time. There was also a chocolate fountain

El tiempo vuela...

Esta semana pasó en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Todos los días teníamos cosas nuevas que hacer o sitios que visitar. Además también tuvimos que ir de compras para prepararnos para un evento que tendría lugar la semana siguiente. Además, fuimos testigos del último concierto del curso, donde los artistas eran talentosos alumnos del instituto.

Al final de la semana, dedicamos dos tardes a hacer comida española para un día cultural que se organizaba en el colegio. Nos divertimos mucho cocinando y cantando música española que nos llenaba de buenos recuerdos. Ese fin de semana, fuimos a la bolera y aunque no se me dio muy bien nos reímos mucho. También jugamos al billar y dimos una vuelta por esa zona.

Cada vez cogí más confianza con Sara y nos pasábamos horas y horas hablando y viendo series. Juntas preparamos una bonita sorpresa para su madre por el Día de la Madre, que aquí se celebró el 8 de marzo. Me hizo mucha ilusión tener ese pequeño gesto con su madre y ambas se emocionaron. A pesár de los estereotipos, puedo decir que mi familia era muy cariñosa. Para celebrar este día me llevaron al Parque Natural, una hora al norte. Pasamos allí todo el día, caminando a través de un sendero que atravesaba el bosque. Los paisajes eran espectaculares y no hay nada mejor que comer maíz tostado mientras escuchas los sonidos de la naturaleza. Fue un día maravilloso.


Free coffee

Every Monday and Friday we had free coffee at school. That day we also had one candy.


This is me in the Natural Park. It was a wonderful day and I got to see breathtaking sceneries

Ni un segundo que perder

Ya hemos entrado en la recta final y no hemos podido empezar mejor. El lunes, fuimos a cocinar al instituto para presentar comida española en la jornada cultural y nos salió riquísima. La tortilla de patata, las croquetas y las torrijas como representación de nuestra gastronomía.

Pero eso no fue lo más emocionante de la semana. El miércoles cogimos un tren a las 5:24 de la madrugada con destino a Helsinki. Todo el día de visita en la capital de Finlandia dio para mucho y visitamos prácticamente todas las zonas importantes. Eso sí esa noche cogimos la cama con ganas.

Para rematar la semana, el viernes por la mañana volvíamos a coger un tren de madrugada para ir a Vaasa, una ciudad al norte. Todos los estudiantes de intercambio pasamos dos días preparándonos para un debate que tuvo lugar el domingo, junto con más gente procedente de diferentes lugares del mundo. Hicimos muchos amigos y nos encantó la experiencia. Aunque hay que decir que fue agotadora pero valió la pena.



We went with our hosts to Helsinki. We have become really close friends and we will keep in touch after this

Farewell party

In Vaasa, we went to a party organized in the high school. We did a dance battle with the finnish and we beated them.

Muchas cosas por vivir

A pesar de que ya han pasado muchos días desde que llegamos seguimos teniendo la misma ilusión. Planear lo que queremos hacer se ha convertido en un hábito y siempre se nos ocurren cosas nuevas. El tiempo nos persigue e intentamos sacar el máximo partido a todo.

Las tardes las pasamos haciendo pequeñas cosas que nos apetecían como comer en el puerto, ir de tiendas, ver una peli o incluso hacer tiro con arco. Además, el viernes se celebró la fiesta de graduación y fuimos a ver el baile que organizaron, donde todos los estudiantes de segundo curso demostraron sus habilidades en la pista de baile. Sara fue una de ellos y me lo pasé genial ayudándola a prepararse. De hecho, hubo un baile en el podían sacar a alguien del público a bailar y ella me eligió a mí. Fue muy divertido tener que aprender la coreografía en 5 minutos y encima en finés.

El fin de semana fue tranquilo. Mi familia me llevó a pescar a un lago cercano aunque no tuvimos suerte y no cogimos ningún pez. Después hicimos una barbacoa en casa y nos lo pasamos genial.



Squirrels are common in Finland. Once, we saw one and we approached to it. We were less than one metre apart.


Finnish outdoor game which consists of getting 60 points by throwing those sticks.

La despedida

La última semana ya, es increíble como ha pasado el tiempo tan rápido. Aún nos quedaban muchos planes por hacer así que estos últimos días los aprovechamos al máximo. Fuimos de acampada y sobrevivimos incluso nos bañamos en un lago y cocinamos nuestra comida en el fuego; fuimos a una pool party donde vivimos la tradición finlandesa de ir a la sauna con amigos. Hicimos pancakes en la hoguera y lo pasamos genial jugando y hablando con el fantástico grupo que hemos formado. Por desgracia, tuvimos que cancelar algunos planes porque el covid infectó a nuestras familias. Fui a visitar la fábrica de regaliz "Panda", muy famosa en Jyväskylä.


A thrilling journey

It was 4:00 in the morning when I left home to go to the station. Almost an hour later the bus, bound for Barajas airport, started up. My other 3 fellows and I had already said goodbye to our families, whom we would see again in two months time.

The journey lasted 3 hours and when we arrived at T4 in Madrid we went to check-in. Our nerves were on edge because we didn't know if our suitcases were going to exceed the allowed weight or not. Fortunately, all but one were within the limit. Once the bags were checked in, it was time for the security control. Before going through it, we were all running around drinking the water we were carrying because if we didn't, they would take it away from us. This process was the longest and most stressful because we had to take everything off and take things out of the backpack.

Half an hour later, we were running through the corridors of the airport to get to our gate on time, only to have to wait because the plane was delayed. The flight was very heavy for us, because there were 4 hours in which we were very nervous and quite hot.

When we landed in Helsinki we were amazed by the amount of snow. From the airport, we went to the train station, because before reaching our final destination we had to catch three. We had a pretty hard time carrying our bags because we had to go up to the second floor in two of them and the luggage was quite heavy. Finally, around seven in the evening, we set foot for the first time in the city that was going to be our home for two months: Jyväskylä.

My first week in Jyväskylä

The first week was very intense because we had to adapt to the new routine. In the high school it was an easy task because the classes are very relaxed and easy to follow. We loved the facilities, they seem like from the future. The strangest thing we did was having to eat at 11-12 in the morning, someday even at 10:30, although the food in the cafeteria is quite tasty.

That week we had to learn how to catch the buses and get home safely, which gave us a bit of a headache but also a lot of laughs. We went to a concert in high school, where we had a really good time. I went with Sara, my host student, for a walk in the city center to visit a tower from which you can see the whole city and its skyline. To face the cold, a warm chocolate and a Munkki (Finnish sweet).

Life in Finland

I've been here for 24 days to be exact and every day I feel a little more Finnish. I have been able to see Easter in a different way, with children handing out decorated willow branches, large bonfires to burn off bad vibes and eating Mämmi, the typical dessert of these dates despite not everyone likes it. Since I couldn't miss it, I cooked some torrijas for my host family, which disappeared in the blink of an eye.

I have also been able to do cross country skiing, ice skating and even go sledding. Of course, we have sightseen the city center and I have even sent a postcard to Zaragoza. Also, I went with my family to Härmä, a town three hours north of Jyväskylä, to visit their relatives. It was a bit awkward because they didn't know English and I didn't understand anything but I loved the area.

To end the week, all the exchange students gathered to make our own bonfire, where we cooked sausages and made s'mores. It was an unforgettable afternoon.

Just one more month

Every day that passes we are more familiar with the city and we feel like one of the students in the high schools. This week we have also enjoyed it to the fullest and we have lived another typical celebration here: Vappu. During these days we have had a special program at the institute. Thanks to that, we have visited the city hall, the university of Jyväskylä and also Jamk. Finally, we visited a museum, where we ended up playing dominoes.

During the weekend we had to fight the bad weather, but we still went to a small amusement park and even had a picnic.

On Sunday morning, my family and I prepared a brunch to celebrate the party. We ate so much because everything was great. We tried the Spanish serrano ha, that I brought for them and it was a success; in return they gave me to try the Simma, a typical Vappu drink.

Time flies...

This week passed so fast. Every day we had new things to do or places to visit. In addition we also had to go shopping to prepare for an event that would take place the following week. On top of that, we atended the last concert of the course, where the artists were talented high school students.

At the end of the week, we dedicated two afternoons to making Spanish food for a cultural day that was organized at the school. We had a lot of fun cooking and singing Spanish music that filled us with good memories. That weekend, we went bowling and even though I wasn't very good at it, we laughed a lot. We also played pool and walked around that area.

After each day, I took more confidence with Sara and we spent hours and hours talking and watching series. Together we prepared a nice surprise for her motherdue to Mother's Day, which was celebrated here on March 8. I was very excited to have that small gesture with his mother and they were both moved. Despite the stereotypes, I can say that my family was very loving and talktive. To celebrate this day they drove me to the Natural Park, an hour north. We spent the whole day there, walking through a path in the forest. The landscapes were breathtaking and there is nothing better than eating roasted corn while listening to the sounds of nature. It was a wonderful day.

Not even one second to waste

We have already entered the final stretch and we could not have started better. On Monday, we went to cook at the institute to present Spanish food at the cultural day and it came out delicious. The potato omelette, the croquettes and the torrijas as a representation of our gastronomy.

But that was not the most exciting thing of the week. On Wednesday we took a train at 5:24 in the morning to Helsinki. The whole day of visiting the capital of Finland went a long way and we visited practically all the important areas. Consequently, it is a fact that that night we went to bed just after steeping at home.

To set the week off, on Friday morning we took a train again at dawn to go to Vaasa, a city to the north. All the exchange students spent two days preparing for a debate that took place on Sunday, together with more people from different parts of the world. We made a lot of friends and loved the experience. We must say it was exhausting, yet it was completely worth it.

Loads of things to live

Despite it has been many days since we arrived we still have the same enthusiasm. Planning what we want to do has become a habit and we always come up with new ideas. The time is running after us that's why we try to make the most of everything.

We spend our afternoons doing random things such as having lunch in the harbour, going shopping, watching a film or even doing archery. In addition, Prom party was held on friday and we atteded the ball that was organized, where every student had the chance to show off its dance skills. Sara was one of them and I had a really great time helping her before the dance. In fact, there was once song when they could dance with someone in the public and she choose me. It was hilarious to learn the coreography in 5 minutes and in finnish.

The weekend was calm. My family took me fishing in a lake near my house. Unlickily, we didn't catch any fish. After that we prepared a barbacue for dinner and it was amazing

The goodbye

The last week already. It is inbeliveable how fast the time has passed. We still had tons of things to do so we made the most of those days. We went camping and survived , we even swam in a lake and cooked our food in a campfire. We also went to a pool party, where we lived the finnish tradition that consists of going to the sauna with your friends. In addition, we baked pancakes in the fire and had such a great time while playing and talking with the magnificient gruop of friends we have all become. Unluckily, some of our plans were cancelled because covid infected some families. On top of that, I visited "Panda" factory, which is famous for its liqueries.