This adventure started the 5th February 2022. The only thign clear was that I was going to spend the most amazing time I could and take the most of the experience. Did I do it ? Let's see it

My first week was about getting used to my new routine. I went to highschool everyday and then go home. At highschool I met new people everyday that were always willing to help me what was really helpful. We even made friends at the breaks because in Slovakia classes last for 40 minutes and breaks for 10 minutes. So during those periods pupils went to the playground (you can see it on the image of the right) and played ping-pong all together. It was AMAZING and it really shocked me the way they beheaved with both the ping-pong material and with eachother as they were so respectful and educated.

Once we had eaten, I went on a walk around the village wihch was surrounded by mountains and a lot of green. This week passed by so quick . However, I was very excited as the following week was the skiing week at highschool and we were going to the mountains to learn skiing. Besides, even though I was happy for this, I was also worried as I had always been afraid of skiing.

My skiing week

The first day we didn't do much as it was late when we arrived to the bungalows. So we had dinner and then we went to our bungalow. Once there we were playing cards when the girls of the bungalow next door and the boys of the one in front, appeared. So we started again to play but this time it was even better as I got the opportunity to meet new people. In addition, the teacher also came and we all started a kind of party. We were singing out loud, playing and getting to know each other. That night was amazing and I met people I'm sure I'll never forget.

Next day, when I woke up I was feeling really upset and worried as I wasn't sure if I could be capable of getting over my fear of skiing. And when we arrived to the skiing slopes I was feeling even worse. However, I tried to do the fisrt class. But when they told me to go up to a point and then go down skiing until the bar, I knew that I couldn't continue in this class. So I went down, as good as I could, and onces there I talked with one of the highschool teachers, Petra. From the beginning she offered to help and teach me, what was amazing as she was much more calm and sympathetic than the previous teacher. She taught me step by step what I had to do and finally I got to learn how to skiing and I can't be more thankful and grateful.

The week passed by and it was INCREDIBLE. We spent an amazing time dancing in our bungalows, singing, taking walks in the riverside at night and meeting new people. One day we even took a hot chocolate on the top of the mountain.

Zilina, Slovakia

After the skiing week we had two weeks of "normal life" and then we had two weeks of spring holidays. During those two weeks I focused myself on meeting people at highschool and taking walks around the city and the village. I remember once that I bought a milkshake and I sat to see the sunset with beautiful views.



Suddenly, the weeks passed and I was on holidays.

We went 4 days to Tatras, breathtaking mountains in Slovakia. There we went to little trips everyday. One day we went to Cicmany, a little typical village in which the houses have some paintings made on their walls.

After those days, we went to Bratislava, capital of Slovakia, all together for one day. We had an AMAZING time and we were able to visit each spot os the city. However, it was a loooong day and we ended up sleeping at the train as we were really exhausted.







The week after holidays we went to highschool, but tghe next week we spent it doing trips as some spanish people arrived and we were all doing trips together. We went to Cicmany again, to a SPA and to Auschwitz.

Now that the experience has finished I can say 100% sure that it has been an AMAZING time. I have met incredible people that have inspired me in so many ways. I have learnt more than I thogth about life. This experience has changed me a lot since it has prooven me that I'm ready to live anywhere and by myself. Furthermore, I have realised that while in Sapin my happiness was based on people I had around, and during this time I have learnt to enjoy everything and take happiness from the most simple things. In addition, I have overcome fears that had always stopped me from doing things that now I love. From now on I'm completely sure that this will remain as one of the most amazing experiences in my life.

Auswichtz, Poland