

In 2019 we changed from a class-based program (2.5-hour blocks with each instructor only teaching one class for different groups) to a trail-group-based program, with each instructor teaching the full curriculum to their class. This makes it so much easier to create a coherent and responsive curriculum for students to have the most meaningful, memorable, student-centered, and nature-centered week at Camp! We haven't updated the content below yet, but it can be used for ideas. We will have regular instructor meetings during the week to share successes and problem-solve. Equipment and Locations will be available on a sign-up basis, but we have flexibility if needed. 
Adaptations lesson rev2017-MWR.docx

Adaptations Lesson - 2017 Revision

See instructor feedback below as well

This lesson is not bad, but again, uses games, and in my opinion, spends too much time inside the Junior Museum. I would like to see it be more (outdoor) nature-centered. 

When instructors are teaching the same trail group all week, bits of this lesson and the suggested modules from BEETLES could be incorporated at various spots in the week. 

Adaptations lesson rev2013.docx

2013 version

This version has some ecosystem comparison study ideas that could be incorporated to tie ecosystems and adaptations together - they really should be taught in an integrated manner, anyway, as that is a reflection of reality!

On the other hand, don't do the taped thumb relay or other games - you may think you are teaching a concept, but the kids just think, "I'm playing a game"! It's not nature-centered or student-centered. It's fun, and if they need to run around, feel free to play a game, but don't substitute games for better learning experiences for students. </soapbox> :)

ADAPTATIONS lesson Rev2016Kkirkeby.docx

Kathi's Notes

ADAPTATIONS lesson AmandaRev2016.docx

Amanda's Notes

Activities referred to in the lesson(s)


Fun game, but not essential, especially if you already know their names.


Great way to incorporate a wildlife sighting - preying mantis and lizards often hang out in front of the Junior Museum! We also have small terreria for capture and release.

Adaptations cards.docx

Cards used for the Professor Hike to transition from animal to plant adaptations


*Discovery Swap

This can be done at the stream or pond, and follow up with an application stage of looking for adaptations in plants

Suggested Alternate Activities



Discovery Swap is a great activity to use to teach adaptations, and we have various stream areas, some ponds, and also desert and riparian plants which can be used. Discovery Swap could also be used as an introductory Exploratory Routine for any other subject.

Structures and Behaviors is a more adaptations-focused activity.

Some great journaling activities correspond with these lessons - you could have them do any of the journaling activities below with plants as a follow up to Discovery Swap with aquatic critters.  See more on the Journaling page!


Note - this is from the Journaling Professional Learning Session - you would use one prompt for your whole class.