
Resources for Instructors


In 2019 we changed from a class-based program (2.5-hour blocks with each instructor only teaching one class for different groups) to a trail-group-based program, with each instructor teaching the full curriculum to their class. This makes it so much easier to create a coherent and responsive curriculum for students to have the most meaningful, memorable, student-centered, and nature-centered week at Camp! We haven't updated the content below yet, but it can be used for ideas. We will have regular instructor meetings during the week to share successes and problem-solve. Equipment and Locations will be available on a sign-up basis, but we have flexibility if needed. 

Contents for Instructors' Section

Teaching and Learning Methods

Lesson Content

Lessons as designed for our old class-based program - please use these as desired for modules to teach the curriculum where it fits into your week. (Note that most of these are unedited - please apply the Teaching and Learning Methods to make these lessons more student-centered, nature-centered, NGSS-based, meaningful and memorable)
