Sickness , Allergies & Medication

Keeping Others Safe

We are a "NUT FREE" school. Please do not send any nut products to school with your child. Children should not share food to reduce risk of contamination or allergic reactions.

If your child is sick, please ensure your child stays home to rest and stop the spread of the illness. 

Illness / Accidents during the day

If a student has a temperature of 37.5C  or above, they must not be sent to school.

In the event of a student feeling sick during school, sustaining a fever of 37.5C  or above,  parents will be informed and arrangements must be made to pick them up.  Children may return to school  after 24 hours, fever free without medicated assistance. 

Medications and Allergies

If your child needs to take medication during school hours you will need to complete a medical use form and provide the medication in the original container. 

If your child has any type of ailment, it is very important to inform the class teacher, the office and the Physical Education teacher if appropriate.

Students who suffer from asthma and need to bring inhalers to school should give them to the class teacher for safe keeping, together with instructions for use.  The school must be alerted of any children who suffer from a food or medical allergy. Parents should liaise with the school and provide up-to-date medication (including Epi-Pens).

You will be asked to update medical information at the beginning of each year. It is vital that we have correct contact phone numbers in case of an emergency.