16: Auto export of content (se all cases)

Description of case

Pain:  Over the past several years we have had to allocate more and more of our staff time towards the timely distribution and exporting of our recently produced content to external systems, clients, and various other publishing and archival platforms depending on the nature of the content.  However, as this work is generally considered to be a low priority and assigned to new, temporary and/or junior staff, the quality and timeliness of these activities can be inconsistent. This has led to missed deadlines, delayed publications and significant frustration of the intended recipients.

Pill:  Openstore

Description:  Openstore’s ability to smoothly automate the majority of important and/or regularly occurring content export requirements make it possible for both publishers and recipients to feel confident that all agreed upon content will be delivered in a timely and consistent manner. Whether scheduled at specific times or triggered immediately by a user, the system ensures that the right content is delivered to each of the correct destinations on time. This type of automation helps to improve production workflows and to reduce errors, which is crucial for organizations with high volumes of content and tight deadlines.

Proof:  Automating our content export workflows with Openstore has saved us quite a bit of effort, almost eliminated simple errors, and improved the scalability and timeliness of our content distribution capabilities.