Use Cases
MediaDropBox -> Openstore -> MediaHub -> CMS -> Openstore
Keywords: MediaDropBox, OpenstoreAPI, MediaHub, CMS, Content sharing, Image reports
New content are added via MediaDropBox to Openstore
Openstore send MediaHub messages of new content
CMS systems subscribes for Openstore messages
CMS Systems fetches content via OpenstoreAPI and use in production
CMS Systems adds publish information to Content via OpenstoreAPI
Openstore generates image reports for published content
CMS -> MediaHub ->Translation Service ->MediaHub ->CMS
Keywords: CMS, MediaHub, Google GCP
Article needs to be translated x languages, CMS system sends MediaHub message "translate to english and french"
Translation Service gets message and send Article to Google Translate
Translation Service sends MediaHub message "translated versions of article"
CMS system gets the translated versions and updates article with languages
MediaDropBox ->Openstore ->MediaHub ->ImageAnalyse ->MediaHub ->RaceInfo ->MediaHub ->Openstore
Keywords: Openstore, MediaHub, MediaDropBox, Chain of events, AWS Rekognition Image, Google GCP
Photographer send images direct from WiFi Camera via MediaDropBox to Openstore
Openstore send MediaHub message "new images"
ImageAnalyse service gets message and sends images to AWS Rekognition Image / Google GCP for "numberplate detection"
ImageAnalyse enriches image metadata with start numbers found on image and send MediaHub message
RaceInfo service gets message and use the GeoJson and Image metadata part in message do detect competition arena and race, enriches message with race info and send MediaHub message with enriched information
Openstore Application gets message about "updated image metadata" and updates database with race info for competitors found on image
Keywords: Amazon S3, CMS, MediaHub, Content sharing, Mail input
Cloud storage service connects to SMPT server, FTP catalogs and folders
When contents is available, Cloud storage service writes content to S3 extracts metadata (XMP/IPTC/EXIF/etc..) and send MediaHub message "new content available"
Subscribing services/applications get messages and fetches desired content from one place (S3)
Multiple CMS systems / services / apps get access to same Content in real time
Keywords: Openstore, Departments, Content sharing
Three different offices/media producers share one Openstore
All three have own parts in Openstore for their users wich only they can se
Users with permissions to share content can share objects to other departments
Keywords: Openstore, Indesign plugin, Autorepro, Manual repro, Image reports
User searches Openstore for content
User drag selected content into Indesign
IcemanMedia Openstore ID Plugin fetches content data via OpenstoreAPI and mount it on page
If Content is a Image type, user can adjust image on page and when ready order Automatic Repro or Repro for manual work (Photoshop)
If manual repro is ordered appointed user is notified that new job is in queue
When the print copy (profiled, scaled, enhanced ...) is ready on fileserver OS ID Plugin automatically replaces the "draft image" to the print ready copy
Page is published and Openstore automatically generates image reports for external images
Keywords: Openstore, Indesign plugin, Image reports
User searches Openstore for content
User drag selected content into Indesign
IcemanMedia Openstore ID Plugin fetches the Original image and writes it to designated file server (or local disk)
IcemanMedia Openstore ID Plugin let user open it in Photoshop if it is necessary or if the original image is already print ready in Openstore the work is done...
Page is published and Openstore automatically generates image reports for external images
Keywords: Openstore, External image suppliers, Large intake, Automation
External bureaus uploads content to FTP servers connected to Openstore via Openstore FTP Inqueues services
Openstore Routes, Index and Store images using XMP/IPTC & EXIF data
Users with access to External content in Openstore can use images in print or web etc..
When images is used image reports are automatically generated for each supplier of content (bureau)
Unused images is deleted (if Openstore is configured to do so)
Used images is archived (if Openstore is configured to do so)
Keywords: Openstore, Openstore Images Sales (Websale) External users, External customers, External access to content
Content (images / videos) are added to Openstore
Openstore built in and configurable rules for which images to be shown external in Openstore Websale automatically kicks in
External users log in into Websale (public web gui for image search and selection and download)
External user downloads image and logged in user can use image in their production
Openstore generates download information for each external user and creates reports
Keywords: CMS, OpenstoreAPI, Third party software
Develop own user interfaces with OpenstoreAPI to full integration in own systems
Search, View info, Fetch, Update content etc...
Online documentation to OpenstoreAPI
Online TEST bench for API calls within OpenstoreAPI dokumentation
Easy to use API, used by many different third party developers
150+ API calls, and still adding new ones to fully support all third party developers building more and more applications...
Keywords: CMS, MediaHub, Content sharing, Content Access, Central search for content
System A, B, C and D all holds content of different types, images, videos, articles, pages etc
Systems sends MediaHub messages when new content is available
Systems sends MediaHub messages when content is updated
Systems sends MediaHub messages when content are deleted
Application developers can develop search dialoges for searching content regardless where is is stored
Keywords: Openstore, Video, MediaDropBox, Amazon S3, Amazon AWS, Content sharing (external links)
Users in Openstore or MediaDropBox uploads content (images/videos etc)
Openstore (if configured to store videos on S3) stores original video on S3
Users with permission to share S3 links selects one video, and creates a public link to that object
Public (External links) kan when sharing in Openstore be set do be available for a certain time, 5 minutes, 1 hour, 7 days, etc etc...
Notifications to external users can be made by for example e-mail, containing the created public temporary link
Keywords: External suppliers, Photographers, Image / Video intake, Share jobs, Coworkers, Delivery routing, Delivery Copies
Image editor with permission to add new tasks/jobs to MediaHub create job for photographer and one coworker
External photographer takes photos and sends them directly to MediaDropBox via Camera WiFi
Job that the External photographers Camera send images to is set to deliver content to 4 different systems
Each system get the images at the same time
Image editor can change destination setting on external photographers job whenever wanted
Image editor can add keywords, descriptions, department in CMS system etc in job info, photographer don't need to edit job info (if the photographer don't want to do that, or lacks permission to do so)
Images are stored in Openstore and published in different papers / media
Papers are published and stored as PDF in Openstore
Articles are written, published and stored in Openstore
Due to joint publishing information, the different assets are coupled to each other
Users can now go from page to published images on that page, or from article to pages the article is published on, or from images to articles published on same page etc...
Images in Openstore for sale in third party external system are put in export queue
Images exported to third party system with OS unique id
If third party systems updates image info, they sends XMP file with new updated image info/meta data
Openstore info updater updates the image with new info
External bureau sales images to their customers
This solution is currently in production with TT News Agency (
Content can automatically be exported from Openstore
Several services is available for export, image exports, pdf exports, article exports, video exports
Exports can be scheduled or instant
Exports are made with FTP to destinations
Exports can also be triggered by permitted users within OpenstoreWeb GUI
A task is added in the planning system, and assigned to User
Planning system Service sends MediaHub message "new job for user x"
MediaDropBox MH subscriber application gets message and creates job to User x
User X adds images to job and MediaDropBox inserts images in Openstore via OpenstoreAPI and send MediaHub message "new image in Openstore to job"
Planning system subscriber application gets messages of new images to job, and updates job information in planning system adds images to job with Openstore links to images (shows thumbnails of images)
Third party developer needs custom data on images when placed in article
API call UPDATE_IMAGE_EXTRA_DATA to add key/value of choice
Adding "placed in article"
API call GET_IMAGE_INFO returns standard image info + extra data key/values list, third party developer can make necessary actions with extra data
Images can have unlimited numbers of extra data, keys are unique
Keywords: Openstore, External users, Share images, Public access , Website
Permitted user selects images in Openstore
User tell Openstore to generate new (or modify existing) website
User sets time limit for the site to exist on web
Openstore generates a new website with a HTML template of choice
When website is generated by Openstore user gets the URL to website
User mails the URL to trusted external users and they can browse and download images of choice
Websites can also be generated by third party developers via API call GENERATE_WEBSITE_ON_CLOUD
Is used when standard fields are not sufficient for customer-specific metadata requirements
Added to Openstore standard metadata fields
Can be used for, search, indexing and info
Added via OpenstoreWeb GUI by users with system admin permissions
Also called extra data, available via OpenstoreAPI calls
User selects image and place image (not print ready) in document
User orders Openstore autorepro mission within Indesign
Openstore Autorepro creates print ready copy of image and place it on Amazon S3 storage
Openstore notifies Indesign that the image is ready and Indesign replaces temporary (not print ready) image with print ready image