L5: Forensic Analysis

Over 100 years later, scientists and engineers are still re-examining every factor that may have contributed to the sinking of the Titanic. Modern day technology has also led to greater understanding. Let's look closer at some of the theories....

Lesson Materials:


Clear, sharp images that illustrate Forensic Analysis article to left.

Investigating an Issue.pdf

Fabulous Step-by-Step methods for how to investigating an issue, graphic organizers for findings, and tips on how to lay out evidence to write an effective argument.

Newer Theories:

Engine Room Fire?

Materials Failure?

Vicki Bassett

This article discusses the material failures and design flaws that contributed to the rapid sinking of the Titanic. In addition, the article addresses the changes that have been made in both the design of ships and the safety regulations governing ships at sea as a result of the Titanic disaster.

Cold Air Mirage?

Titanic: The Final Word, NG Documentary

James Cameron, who has made more than 30 dives to explore the Titanic, brings together a team of engineers, naval architects, artists, and historians to solve the lingering mysteries of why and how an “unsinkable” ship sank. With their combined expertise, they examine the feature film and determine what technology has revealed since its release. An investigation of this magnitude has never been attempted before, and some of the revelations alter the fundamental interpretation of what exactly happened to the Titanic on April 14, 1912.


The Navy Hydrographic Office s dail memorandum notes both ice reports in the North Atlantic and the Titanic s collision with an iceberg. (Records of District Courts of the United States, RG 21)


General information on Titanic


New Theories

Cold Air Mirage?

Encyclopedia Britannica

An online exhibit on Titanic which outlines the history and voyage using images accompanied by brief text boxes. http://www.britannica.com/titanic/index.html

Encyclopedia Titanica

Information about passengers, biographies, photo records, research articles, deck plans and more. Great for all types of research inquires. http://www.encyclopedia-Titanica.org/

Eco Explorers

Titanic Deck layout. http://www.ecophotoexplorers.com/images/Titanic_layout.gif

Discovery Channel

Last Mysteries of Titanic. Contains video clips, deckplans, interactive jigsaw puzzles, a virtual dive, a quiz and other information. http://dsc.discovery.com/convergence/Titanic/Titanic.html

New York Times Archive

Historic and recent articles and information. http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/subjects/t/titanic/index.html?scp=1-spot&sq=Titanic&st=cse

National Library of Australia

articles from Australian newspapers in 1912. http://newspapers.nla.gov.au/ndp/del/tag?name=Titanic&allTags=1

RMS Titanic Online

Exhibition honoring the postal stewards who worked to save the registered mail aboard Titanic. http://www.postalmuseum.si.edu/Titanic/

RMS Titanic, Inc.

This is the site of the company that produced Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition. Users may have to register for access to some of the information. http://www.Titanic-online.com/index.php4

Titanic Belfast

A very comprehensive and ‘student-friendly’ site. It is interactive and combines text and images to display information about construction and the voyage. http://www.Titanicinbelfast.com/welcome.aspx

Titanic Historical Society

Information and publications about Titanic. http://Titanichistoricalsociety.org/

Titanic inquiry Project

Documents from the British and US inquiries. http://www.Titanicinquiry.org/

Titanic the Unsinkable Ship

Maritime Museum of the Atlantic with web-links. http://museum.gov.ns.ca/mmanew/en/home/whattoseedo/permanentexhibits/Titanic/default.aspx

Web Titanic

Links and a comprehensive list of quotes from passengers. http://www.webTitanic.net/menu.html

White Star Line Ships

History of the company that built Titanic and other ships. http://www.Titanic-whitestarships.com/

Ice and icebergs

International Ice Patrol

Site of the organisation which monitors and reports ice and icebergs in the Atlantic Ocean in order to eliminate the risk of iceberg collision. http://www.uscg-iip.org/cms/

The Iceberg Resurfaced

Informative article which includes an alleged photo of the iceberg that Titanic hit and information about it. http://www.encyclopedia-Titanica.org/the-iceberg-resurfaced.html

Iceberg Right Ahead

Information about the conditions on the night Titanic hit the iceberg and possible explanations as to what happened. http://www.encyclopedia-Titanica.org/iceberg_right_ahead.html

US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Lesson plans and information about the science of ocean exploration and marine archaeology. http://oceanexplorer.noaa.gov/edu/welcome.html

20 Tales of Titanic

Education Kit, Melbourne Museum http://museumvictoria.com.au/titanic

Titanic Enthusiasts Sites

Titanic Universe Extensive information about Titanic, including numerous links. http://www.Titanicuniverse.com/


Links, information, forum, articles, FAQs and quiz. http://www.Titanic-Titanic.com/

Hidden Expedition Titanic

An Eye-Spy Adventure (computer game) Find the crown jewels in the wreck of Titanic – recommended for lower levels. http://www.spintopgames.com/puzzle_game_download/titanic.html?gclid=CLHDn_L51KACFUYwpAodCV8csQ

1912 Titanic Mystery

(computer game) Find the objects in the wreck of Titanic – recommended for lower levels http://www.spintop-games.com/puzzle_game_download/1912_titanic_mystery.html?gclid=CLe9hoX1iaECFQ3EbwodJELkMw

Titanic Movie Maker Allows students to make their own movies online. http://www.immersionlearning.org/

Passengers and Crew

On Board the Titanic

Students can experience the journey through the eyes of a passenger via firsthand accounts. Produced by the Discovery Channel. http://dsc.discovery.com/ (type in ‘Titanic’ in search engine)

Ismay and Titanic

An excerpt about Joseph Bruce Ismay who served as Managing Director of the White Star Line. http://www.Titanichistoricalsociety.org/articles/ismay.asp

BBC: Survivors of the Titanic

Produced by the BBC, interviews with Titanic passengers, shipbuilders and crew. http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/titanic/5063.shtml

Polar the Titanic Bear

The story through the eyes of a child’s teddy bear. http://www.polartheTitanicbear.com/aboutpage.html

CSI Titanic: Who died and how?

Article outlining and explaining the possible causes of death of passengers on Titanic. http://www.encyclopedia-Titanica.org/csi_Titanic_who_died_how.html

Mock Trial produced by US law firm in which a victim’s family sues White Star Line.


Voices from the Titanic

English unit lesson plans for secondary levels from US. http://www.create.cett.msstate.edu/create/classroom/lplan_view.asp?articleID=67#handout1

Molly Brown Museum

Information http://www.mollybrown.org/

Shipwreck History in Australia

Background information and links to Australian shipwrecks from the Australian government’s culture portal. http://www.cultureandrecreation.gov.au/articles/shipwrecks/

Australian National Maritime Museum



Maritime Quest (Titanic)

Site with fifteen pages of large and rare images. http://www.maritimequest.com/liners/Titanic_page_1.htm

National Geographic, USA.

Photo Gallery: Return to Titanic Images http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/return-to-Titanic-1113#tab-Photos/0

Titanic Gallery

Includes rare photos taken by Father Browne. http://www.fatherbrowne.com/

The Titanic Historical Society Museum

Images of a range of artifacts. http://www.Titanichistoricalsociety.org/museum/museumcollection.asp

Titanic Photographs.com

A collection of images taken by Father Frank Browne. http://www.Titanicphotographs.com/GalleryA.asp?GalleryID=P

All things Titanic

Images of the construction, interior and exterior of Titanic. http://www.abratis.de/ship/

Titanic Treasures

Herald Sun photo gallery from Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/photo-gallery/gallery-e6frf94x-1225836243439?page=1

RMS Titanic Flickr

Photos uploaded by public from all over the world. http://www.flickr.com/groups/rmsTitanic/pool/

Audiovisual Resources

There is a wealth of documentaries and dramatizations of Titanic on the Internet. Some links are included below.

** Please note: In some cases the site will show advertising before the clip, and accessing YouTube videos can also be problematic.

Titanic: A History in Photography

Photos of construction, departure, interior and survivors. No commentary. 05:27mins. http://www.encyclopedia-Titanica.org/Titanic-a-history-in-photography.html

Deep Inside the Titanic: The Iceberg’s Gash

Brief clip from the Discovery Channel that examines the wreck with an explanation of damage caused. 01:46mins. http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/deep-inside-the-titanic-the-icebergs-gash.html

Titanic: How it Really Sank

A video from the National Geographic. Includes dramatizations of actual events and narration and interviews with experts. 04:17mins. http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/episode/titanic-how-it-really-sank-3631/Overview#tab-Videos/06335_00

Titanic: Anatomy of a Disaster

Modern Safety Explains how the approach to safety has changed over time and how people died on Titanic. 02:40mins. http://dsc.discovery.com/videos/Titanic-anatomy-of-a-disaster-modern-safety.html

That Fateful Night: How the Titanic Sank

Excerpt from documentary explaining the damage and sinking. Dramatic computer imagery and narration. 02:02mins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vjKGYJac0GU

RMS Titanic

A collection of rare and historical photos of the interior and exterior, passengers, newspaper reports and paintings. Set to music, no narration. 04:32mins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8wTlureUMP8&feature=fvw

Sinking of the Titanic

Dramatic computer generated reconstruction of the sinking of Titanic. Excellent imagery. Set to music, no narration. 01:56mins. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1avWJELB9Ek&NR=1

22 Tales of Titanic

Education Kit, Melbourne Museum http://museumvictoria.com.au/titanic

Titanic: Death of a Dream

Documentary in 16 parts, explores the origins of Titanic from its conception and construction, to its maiden voyage, leading up to the initial collision with the iceberg that would ultimately sink the Ship. (1994) http://www.youtube.com/watchv=hu_qYA2El14&feature=PlayList&p=C9797BD9D4781247

BBC Titanic Journey

Extraordinary journey into the deep video footage. http://www.bbc.co.uk/northernireland/titanic/


Extensive online bibliography. http://www.keyfl ux.com/Titanic/t_biblio.htm