Design a Zoo

Student Page

Driving Question

How can geometry be applied to designing a zoo?


If your Geometry class feels like a zoo, then maybe you ought to join them! In this integrated geometry project, students will put their area and perimeter skills to the test! Focusing on unique shapes, regular polygons & apothems and irregular figures, students determine which exhibits fit which animals' needs.

Middle School and High School students alike will get a kick out of this project, which is designed to appeal to both demographics. Nonetheless there is a rigorous backbone to what on the surface may appear to just be oodles of fun.

-- In "Animal Wrangling", students will work to create exhibit areas and perimeters for animals that meet certain requirements.

-- In "Cage Match", students will calculate the areas of a variety of shapes, traditional, regular polygons with apothems, and irregular figures.

-- To conclude, "Design a Zoo" is a multifaceted project that will require students to choose species, build exhibits, manage a budget and monitor their zoos success.

This project includes a Rank & Reason® discussion question.

Design-a-Zoo Student materials.pdf
12. Requirements.pdf
Species List.pdf
Acquistions Purchase Order.pdf
Architecture Purchase Order.pdf
Animal Swagg Equations.pdf
Zoo Financials.pdf
Zoo Map.pdf
Exhibit Catalog.pdf