Pi Day

Digital BreakouEDU

So, the circumference is a bit more than 3 times the diameter (diameter) x (pi=3.14) = circumference

10" pizza (diameter) has a circumference (or length of crust ) of about 30"

Estimate: 10" x 3 = 30+" Actual: 10" x 3.14 = 31.4" circumference

Use your knowledge of patterns and numbers to solve these problems involving circles!


  • Game Designer: Kathleen Kelly
  • Content Area: Math, Circles
  • Recommended Ages: Elementary

March 14th is Pi Day! Because the date (3.14) is the first three digits of pi (3.14159...), we take the time to celebrate the circle on March 14th of each year. Try to solve our "pi problems" to BREAKOUT for Pi Day!


  • Game Designer: Kathleen Kelly
  • Content Area: Math, Circles
  • Recommended Ages: Elementary/Middle School