STEAMING for the future Erasmus+ project 2020-1-ES01-KA226-SCH-096028

2nd LTTA "I can do it TOO" 29th March- 1st April 2022 Pori (Finland)

Eva M Vives Centelles in-service teacher trainer at IBSTEAM

Objectives from the short-term joint staff training event

  1. To get to know the Finnish education system from kindergarten up to upper secondary and tertiary studies.

  2. To raise awareness about gender equality in STEAM and science among students of all ages.

  3. To contribute to reduce the gender gap in science and draw attention to the role of women in science.

  4. To understand the process digital transformation carried out at the school system by the City of Pori.

  5. To analyse the new role of the teacher and the training needed after the pandemic to be able to acquire the digital skills.

  6. To get to know the Finnish teacher training and its providers.

Finnish school system

The importance of craft teaching in the history of Finnish education

The collaboration of university and schools in teacher training

The digital transformation of the city of Pori

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be

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