Day 3 The Finnish in-service teacher training


We started the day at Satakunta University of Applied of Sciences visiting the RoboAI Research and Development Center. There, we made friends with Pepper, the world's first social humanoid robot able to recognize faces and basic human emotions.

Robotics in Pori

  • In the laboratory of SAMK Campus Pori we learnt how they provide companies with product development services connected to automation, robotics and artificial intelligence.

  • The STEM Centre offers all the children, teenagers and teachers in Satakunta a possibility to get inspired and strengthen their knowledge on science and technology. Depending on the age, the center organizes different activities from science-centred clubs for early childhood education, visits to STEM Centre labs for basic education, online courses for upper secondary education kids so that students widen their knowledge on applied sciences.

  • As for teachers, the STEM Centre supports them by providing courses that enhance professional skills ranging from 3D printing and modelling, introduction to robotics etc so that they can later apply it to their own classes.

  • The visit was completed with a debate on how to promote science among young girls in order to reduce the gender gap and the importance to have science present from a very early stage in education so that girls are encouraged to study it. At Satakunta University of Applied Sciences only 20% of the students from science-related degrees are women, showing that there is still a long path to go in order to raise gender awareness.

Secondary school visit

  • The day continued with the visit to Kuninkaanhaka Secondary school where we visited a chemistry class and also a robotics one.

  • In those classes, teachers had been provided with courses from SAMK and we had the chance to see how they had implemented everything learned in the teacher training.

  • We could enjoy as well a small debate on the importance of in-service teacher training and the need for a teacher to get training during all his/her career.


Some videos about our visit at Satakunta University of Applied Sciences
