Day 1 Finnish school system


Due to Covid's sixth wave, this LTTA had to be postponed from mid-February to end of March 2021, so participants were really eager to land in Finland. On the first day of the programme, our Finnish partners prepared a set of ice-breaking activities ranging from Finnish culture, a escape room from the city of Pori and a lecture on the Finnish school system.

Peculiarities of the Finnish school system

  • The new Finnish law has established compulsory school for students until 18 years of age. Before that, one should attend school at least until 16. This has done in order to prevent early drop-out.

  • The academic school year in Finland is longer than in Spain 190 vs 176 school days.

  • The amount of weekly school periods varies from age. 1st to 6th graders spend around 21-25 hours per week at school, whereas 7th-9th graders have an average of 30 hours per week.

  • Afternoon clubs are organised in the schools so that students can remain at school longer.

  • Government provides a high budget on supporting pupils' learning and special needs. All education is state provided.