
The 2nd staff joint training event in Pori

  • has contributed to get to know better the 3 partners in our partnership, taking into account the 3 different profiles of the organisations contributing to the project "STEAMing for the future".

  • has made us realise the active participation the Finnish teachers have in designing the curriculum in Finland

  • has made us think about the new role of the teacher after COVID and the need to get specific training on STEAM and Digital Competence in order to perform our role better.

  • has made us realise the importance of enhancing scientific vocations in both girls and boys from early primary school so that more female students study at university scientific degrees and therefore the gender gap is reduced.

  • has made us see that the gender gap in science is similar in the three countries.

  • has made us know the Finnish education system better and how the government invests lots of effort and infrastructure in the schools in order to achieve a better student performance.

  • has made us get to know the Finnish culture and history in depth.

  • has made us use English as a lingua franca and therefore improve our linguistic skills.

  • has meant for some of the participants their first Erasmus+ experience ever.

  • has reinforced our European dimension, strengthen our bonds and develop more fluent relationships in the steering wheels since now we all have met in person.