Nursery Classroom Routines

Nursery Class starts at 12.45pm


Children work in small groups to complete adult led tasks/learning activities and Free Play

Snack time - milk will be provided (please inform school if water is preferred) Fruit is optional - this is to be brought from home in a labelled snack pot


Group/class task/learning activity

Story and Songs

Hometime at 3:15pm

In Nursery, we promote independence. We will support the children in getting their own snack or getting their own pumps and outdoor clothing from their peg.

To help your child with this:

  • Use a snack pot that your child can open/close – maybe practise with the pot before they start school.

  • Please label any snack pots with your child's name.

  • Let your child be aware of what they actually have for snack because if it’s not labelled they need to know what they have to eat.

  • Separate name labelled bags for pumps and outdoor clothing, preferably different colours so your child begins to recognise which bag is for which items.

  • Small bags - the drawstring bags are great. (Rucksacks and big bags make it difficult for the children to get them off and on pegs plus we have limited space)

Some points to remember:

  • No toys – this can cause upset if lost or broken. We have plenty of toys that your child can play with in school.

  • If the weather is going to be hot and sunny - please apply sun cream before they come to school.