
 Grief support

Yn ogystal â darparu gwybodaeth a chymorth profedigaeth uniongyrchol i bobl ifanc, mae Winston’s Wish yn helpu rhieni ac aelodau o’r teulu i ddarparu’r cymorth gorau posibl.

As well as providing direct bereavement information and support to young people, Winston’s Wish helps parents and family members to provide the best support possible.

Gwybodaeth, cyngor ac awgrymiadau ar gyfer ble y gallwch ddod o hyd i gymorth os yw'ch plentyn wedi profi profedigaeth neu golled

Information, advice and tips for where you can find support if your child has experienced a bereavement or loss.

Pan fydd teulu'n colli plentyn neu oedolyn ifanc mae'r effeithiau'n ddinistriol i bawb oedd yn eu hadnabod ac yn eu caru. Mae'n bwysig bod cymorth ar gael os a phan fo angen

When a family loses a child or young adult the effects are devastating for all who knew and loved them. It is important that support is available if and when required

Ymdopi â phrofedigaeth

Coping with bereavement

Mae Ymddiriedolaeth Love Em yn cefnogi pobl ifanc, hyd at 16 oed, sydd wedi cael eu heffeithio.  gan farwolaeth rhiant

Love Em Trust supports young people, up to the age of 16, who have been impacted by the death of a parent

Os ydych chi newydd golli rhywun annwyl, efallai eich bod chi'n teimlo'n unig, yn flin, yn llethu neu'n ofnus. Neu efallai yr holl bethau hyn. Rydyn ni yma i'ch helpu chi. Rydym am i chi wybod eich bod chi'n mynd i fod yn iawn.

If you've just lost a loved one, you might be feeling lonely, angry, overwhelmed or afraid. Or maybe all of these things. We're here to help you. And we want you to know that you're going to be OK.

Ymdopi pan fydd rhywun rydych chi'n caru yn marw

Coping when someone you care about dies

Gall galar eich llethu.

Does dim rhaid delio â hyn ar ben eich hun

Grief can be overwhelming

You don't have to deal with it alone.