Delio ag argyfwng costau byw

Dealing with the cost of living crisis

Cwtsh y Cwm: camau bach i gefnogi’n gilydd yn yr hinsawdd sydd ohoni. Gweld beth sydd ar gael yn ein hystafell gymunedol

Cwtsh y Cwm: Small steps to support eachother in this current economic climate. Visit our community room to see what is available

Cymorth Costau Byw - Gweld y cymorth sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd os ydych chi'n ei chael hi'n anodd yn sgil argyfwng costau byw

Cost of Living Support - View help available right now if you're struggling with the cost of living

Cyngor a chefnogaeth glir ac ymarferol i bobl sy'n profi problemau iechyd meddwl ac arian

Clear, practical advice and support for people experiencing issues with mental health and money



Yma, gallwch ddarganfod mwy am drefnu eich arian, hawlio budd-daliadau pan fydd gennych broblem iechyd meddwl, delio â gwasanaethau, a gofalu am eich iechyd meddwl pan fyddwch yn poeni am arian.

Here, you can find out more about organising your finances, claiming benefits when you have a mental health problem, dealing with services, and looking after your mental health when you’re worried about money.

Cymorth a chyngor ariannol i’ch helpu gyda chostau byw cynyddol.

Get support and advice to help you with the increased cost of living.

Ffyrdd o arbed arian

Ways of saving money

Gyda'r ap Too Good To Go, gallwch fwyta'n dda wrth gael effaith. Bagiau o fwyd da am bris hyd yn oed yn well gan fwytai a siopau yn eich ardal chi.

Use the app to explore shops and restaurants in your local area and save Surprise Bags of surplus food from going to waste at a great price.

Gyda'r tywydd yn wlyb ac yn oerach yr adeg hon o'r flwyddyn, hoffem atgoffa trigolion am y cymorth digartrefedd sydd ar gael. Dewch o hyd i rai rhifau cyswllt pwysig isod, tra bod rhagor o wybodaeth wedi'i chynnwys ar ein gwefan

With the weather generally wetter and colder this time of year, we would like to remind residents about the homelessness support that is available. Please find some important contact numbers below, while further information is included on our website

Dewch o hyd i'ch banc bwyd Ymddiriedolaeth Trussell lleol, eu manylion cyswllt a'u hamseroedd agor.

Os ydych yn cael trafferth fforddio'r hanfodion neu os oes angen cyngor a chefnogaeth arnoch, gallwch ffonio un o'n llinellau cymorth am ddim.

Find your local Trussell Trust food bank, their contact details and opening times.

If you're struggling to afford the essentials or need advice and support you can call one of our free helplines.

Canllawiau Cronda Cymorth Dewisol


Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF)