Cynhaliaeth gyffredinol

 General Support

Sefydliad annibynnol sy'n cynnig Gwasanaeth Cyngor a Chymorth i blant a phobl ifanc yng Nghymru neu’r rhai sy’n gofalu amdanynt os teimlant fod plentyn wedi cael ei drin yn annheg

An independent institution for children’s rights in Wales which offers an Advice and Support Service to children and young people or those who care for them if they feel a child has been treated unfairly

Yn gweithio gyda phlant sy’n agored i niwed, pobl ifanc, teuluoedd a chymunedau, gan eu helpu i adeiladu dyfodol gwell

Works with vulnerable children, young people, families and communities, helping them to build a better future

Resilient Families Support

Nod y Gwasanaeth yw darparu gwell cymorth i deuluoeddyn gynt; asesiad diagnostig byrrach a chliriach; un pwynt cyswllt y gellir ymddiried ynddo a chymorth ymarferol rhagweithiol i ymgysylltu ag ymyriadau a gynlluniwyd i gynyddu lefelau gwydnwch

The Service aims to deliver improved support to families in quicker response times; shorter and sharper diagnostic assessment; a trusted single point of contact and pro-active practical support to engage with interventions designed to increase resilience levels

Cefnogaeth arbenigol ar gyfer pob her magu plant

Mae bod yn rhiant yn anodd

Expert support for every parenting challenge

Being a parent is hard 

Family Lives 

yn darparu ymyrraeth gynnar wedi’i thargedu a chymorth mewn argyfwng i deuluoedd.

provides targeted early intervention and crisis support to families. 


Self care

Yma gallwch ddod o hyd i wahanol awgrymiadau ac adnoddau ar gyfer rhianta, syniadau ar gyfer gweithgareddau teuluol ac amrywiaeth o wasanaethau a allai eich helpu chi ynghyd â'ch taith rhianta. Mae gennym hefyd amrywiaeth o raglenni a chyrsiau gwahanol i arwain a chefnogi

Here you can find different tips and resources for parenting, ideas for family activities and a range of services that might be able to help you along with your parenting journey. We also have a variety of different programmes and courses to guide and support you.

Fe gewch ystod o wybodaeth yn ymwneud â gwasanaethau i blant a phobl ifanc

You'll find a range of information relating to services for children and young people