
motivation= determination+enthusiasm

intrinsic motivation

'Motivated from within'

  • The personal desire to achieve
  • Taking part for 'the love of the game'
  • Personal satisfaction, improve health, enjoyment, 'feel good factor'

extrinsic motivation

'Motivated from an external source'

  • Rewards can be tangible (can touch) or intangible (can't touch)
  • Tangible rewards can include money, trophies, certificates
  • Intangible rewards can include praise and recognition


Coaches and participants may use adherence strategies to keep themselves or others motivated. Below are some suggestions of adherence strategies.

Can you explain why they would help someone stick to physical activity?

  • Set realistic, measurable goals (performance + outcome)
  • Make a plan
  • Train to music
  • Convenience - fitting in exercise
  • Keep a diary
  • Be committed to the cause
  • Establish a time frame
  • Use electronic monitoring
  • Short and snappy training
  • Location gym/ home
  • Re-evaluate plans if not achievable
  • Establish social support/ friends/ family
  • Monitor progress (feedback assistance and motivation)
  • Share goals
  • Set a routine
  • Use fitness testing
  • Use competition
  • Choose an activity you like
  • Manage time
  • Have back up plans
  • Learn a new activity – presents a challenge
  • Set goals which are achievable
  • Begin with easy tasks
  • Correct facilities -affordable
  • Set intensity and duration of exercise to suit purpose
  • Have fun
  • Safe facilities