Warm Up and Cool Down

Training should be considered to be a very deliberate and controlled process following precise guidelines. One of those guidelines is that every session starts with a warm up and ends with a cool down. Specific training methods are used to bring about specific outcomes and even the timing and order of when to use each training method can be planned to the finest detail.


Increases blood circulation, heart rate, breathing rate and cardiac output. This allows more blood, and more importantly more oxygen, to get to the working muscles and brain, improving muscle elasticity and focus.


Increases the range of movement at the joints and elasticity of muscles, helping to reduce the risk of muscle pulls and strains.


Performed at a similar intensity and duration to the main activity or training session. For example a passing drill in netball.

heart rate reducing

Light jogging allows the heart rate to decrease gradually. This will aid the removal of lactic acid and repay oxygen debt.


This will increase the range of movement at the joints and elasticity of the muscles. Stretches have to be held for longer than in the warm up


Nutrition and hydration play an important part of recovery. It is vital that carbohydrates and water are replaced after exercise.