Health, Training and Well-Being

Health Definition

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being

Fitness definition

The ability to meet the demands of your environment

Performance definition

How well a task is performed

Participating in physical activity has a number of health benefits.

Remember that health is a mix of physical, mental and social well-being. As such the benefits of physical activity can be split into those three categories.

Physical benefits

Improved Strength/Speed/Stamina

Weight Loss

Improved Body Shape

Reduce the chance of illness

mental benefits

Improved Confidence

Stress Relief

Increases Motivation

Provides a Challenge

social benefits

Improve Teamwork

Improve Cooperation Skills

Meet New Friends

Meet Existing Friends


Can physical well-being affect mental well-being?

Could social well-being encourage someone to have a better level of physical well-being?

Explain how someone can be 'fit' but not healthy.