Diet and Nutrition

the energy balance

This refers to the relationship between the calories you take in and the calories you burn off.

Positive Energy Balance

If the amount of calories you take in is more than the amount of calories you burn off you will gain weight.

Negative Energy Balance

If the amount of calories you burn off is more than the amount of calories you take in you will lose weight.

Equal Energy Balance

If the amount of calories you take in is the same as you burn off your weight will remain the same.


The main source of energy in the body


Responsible for growth and repair of muscle tissue


Source of energy for lower intensity activity

Special diets for athletes


  • In the week leading up to a race a marathon runner will carbo-load.

  • They eat more foods such as pasta than usual.

  • This helps them to build a store or carbohydrates which they use during the race.

high protein diets

  • The body uses protein to build and repair muscle tissue.

  • Athletes who want to develop muscular strength and power will eat high-protein diets.

  • Generally athletes do not need much more protein than sedentary people.