Planes and Axes of Movement

Axes of movement

There are three imaginary lines that move through the body known as ‘axis’. The body rotates around these axes.

Frontal – this travels from one side to the other side through the body, for example, when a person performs a somersault.

Sagittal – this travels from the front to the back of the body, for example, when a person performs a cartwheel.

Vertical axis – this travels from the head though to the foot of the body, for example, when a skater performs a spin.

planes of movement

The body moves through different ‘planes’. These are imaginary flat surfaces that divide the body into two equal portions

Sagittal plane

The sagittal plane is from back to front, allowing flexion and extension at the shoulder and hip.

Forward and backward movements occur. (Running, walking, squatting)

Divides the body into left and right.

tranverse plane

The tranverse plane splits the body from top to bottom, allowing rotation at the shoulder and hip.

Rotational movements occur. (Throwing a discus, hitting a forehand in tennis)

Divides the body into top and bottom.

frontal plane

The frontal plane is from the left to the right side of the body, allowing adduction (movement towards the body) and abduction (movement away from the body) at the shoulder and hip.

Lateral movements occur. (A cartwheel)

Divides the body into front and back.