Chamot and Mason, Handbook of Chemical Microscopy 2nd ed v. I & II

Curator's Choice: A Selection of Instruments from the Museum Stores

Richard Paselk, Curator

Handbook of Chemical Microscopy, v. I & II 2nd ed.

Emile Monin Chamot & Clyde Walter Mason; Wiley, NY 1948

This two volume text, purchased by Prof. John Russell in 1952, 1953 was used in both his studies as a student at Cornell and in research. It was THE manual for chemical microscopy. The two chemistry kits on display are described in, respectively, vol. I (Principles and use of microscopes and accessories. Physical methods for the study of chemical problems), & vol. II (Chemical methods and inorganic qualitative analysis). Vol. II is opened to pages describing and illustrating diagnostic crystals for analyzing microscopic levels of common chemicals.

photo of Chamot and Mason's "Handbook of Chemical Microscopy," v. II 2nd ed., pp 138-9 Note Dr. Russell's hand-written notes near the photos of diagnostic crystals for analyzing microscopic levels of common chemicals.

Handbook of Chemical Microscopy, v. II 2nd ed., pp 138-9

Note Dr. Russell's hand-written notes near the photos of diagnostic crystals for analyzing microscopic levels of common chemicals.

© R. Paselk 2013, Last modified 3 January 2021