Frequently Asked Questions

Course Registration F.A.Q.

Why can't I register on the first day of the registration period?

Regular HUFS students can register only on the days designated for their years.

The class slots open on the first day (August 9th) registration period are only for 4th-year students. Second day (August 10th) is for 3rd-year students and then again on Wednesday (August 11th) for 2nd-year students. 1st year students is available on the 4th day (August 12th). 5th day (August 13th) is available for all students.

Junior transfer students will do registration on August 10th, Sophomore transfer students will do on August 11th, and Freshmen will do on August 12th. If you couldn’t register the course you want, you can try it again on August 13th, September 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 6th, and 7th. However, you can only register for the course whose class slots are still left, so check the status frequently.

I try to open the registration page during the registration period but keep getting some kind of error: What do I do?

When the registration period opens, there are thousands of students trying to register for classes all at once. Because of the massive amounts of web traffic, the server will often crash or be unavailable. You have to keep trying to login throughout the day and register for classes.