Honors Program

The Honors Program has been developed to expand knowledge and awareness beyond the regular College Preparatory program for those who have an aptitude and interest in a specific area.  This expansion is qualitative as well as quantitative.  Admission is by invitation only and must be renewed yearly.  Students may be invited to enter the Honors Program at any level, provided all prerequisites have been met.

The criteria for invitation includes:

For Rising 9th Graders

Students who are not placed into honors may ask for reconsideration towards the end of the year.  The parent should first contact the appropriate department supervisor to understand the reasons for denial of honors placement.  By the conclusion of the school year, the department supervisor, upon request from the parent or student, will review any new data points for reconsideration into an honors placement. All requests for placement reconsideration must be communicated to the department supervisor by June 1.  If a student receives a low or failing grade for the first marking period in an Honors course, the student may elect to change to a College Prep level course no later than the last day of the first marking period.