Family & Consumer Sciences

Family Living

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 10-12

Prerequisite: None

This course asks students to answer the question, “Who am I?” Discussions center on past, present, and future lifestyles within society. Emphasis is placed on self-understanding, interpersonal relationships (dating, love and marriage, pregnancy, and children) along with the adjustments and responsibilities of parenting, human sexuality, and aging. Role-playing and discussions are an integral part of this class. For example, this class gets “married,” “has children” and may “divorce” as part of their study of family living. This course is NOT part of the district Family Life program offered to all students in the health classes; however, some of the course content in this elective course addresses such issues as drugs, relationships, marriage, contraception, families, pregnancy, and parenting.

Fashion Design

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

In this course, students study fashion history and accessories, marketing, garment detail and construction. Creative student design is stressed in projects that showcase a growing knowledge of color, composition, draping and fabric selection. Students use computer software to design and create fashion prototypes. This course exposes students to careers in the fashion industry. This class will include use of sewing machines to prepare project work.

Advanced Fashion Design

Credit: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Fashion Design 

In this course, subjects covered in Fashion Design are reviewed and enriched through further exploration. This course involves terminology and fundamentals of fashion, design, clothing, and marketing. Students study garment detail and construction, textile creation, and manufacturing/ merchandising of garments. Studio experiences using more complex processes and materials are undertaken. Information learned in this course may lead students to a career in one of many aspects of the fashion industry.

Interior Design 

Credit 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

The Interior Design course incorporates 21st-century skills as it introduces students to the many different aspects of designing living spaces. This course is a very exciting hands-on class that will include such topics as housing, art principles, design elements, color harmonies, furniture, and interior furnishings.  Students will gain practical experience in reading and creating floor plans and circulation patterns, colorful motifs, and 2D and 3D room designs. 

Advanced Interior Design

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Interior Design 

The Advanced Interior Design course is a second-level course taken after a student has successfully completed the Interior Design course. Subject matter covered in Interior Design is reviewed and enriched through further exploration through a project-based approach. This course is a very exciting hands-on class that will include such topics as the profession of Interior Design, interior materials, furnishings, and accessories, color and light, project planning, budgeting and presentation, room design and construction, and career skills in Interior Design. Students will gain practical experience in reading and creating floor plans, presentations, and budgeting, more in-depth use of color and color harmonies throughout the home while developing more advanced 2D and 3D room designs. 

Intro to Culinary Arts & Baking  

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

Intro to Culinary Arts is a single-semester course that provides instruction in, and practical application of, food production for students considering a career in the food service industry or are interested in expanding their knowledge of cooking at home.  The Intro to Culinary Arts course is designed to prepare students for further study and foundational knowledge of the food service industry as well as for at-home cooking opportunities. A variety of cooking techniques and ingredients will be explored and used for the preparation of fruits and vegetables, baked goods, protein foods, and kitchen maintenance.  


Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Intro to Culinary Arts & Baking

This course builds upon the experience and skills learned in Basic Foods.  Students will learn to make a variety of baked goods such as fancy cookies, pastries, pies, yeast breads, cakes, and candies.  Presentation will be a focus as the students design and frost a layer cake individually and practice making and using fondant.  Creativity is a must and an appetite for baked goods is helpful.  

Advanced Baking I & II

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grades: 10 - 12

Prerequisites: Intro to Culinary Arts & Baking AND Baking

Take your baking skills to the next level!  In Advanced Baking students will use the skills and experience from Baking to create new and innovative baked goods.  Students will work with filo dough and freshly prepared puff pastry, decorate tiered cakes, invent new cookies, and experiment with sourdough breads.  Products will be evaluated by industry standards, which will assist students in pursuit of a career in the baking field. Due to the project-based nature of the course that develops individual baking skills, students may take this course twice by experiencing different project foci and receive credits.

Culinary Arts 

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Intro to Culinary Arts & Baking

Culinary Arts is a single-semester course that provides instruction in, and practical application of, food production for students considering a career in the food service industry or are interested in expanding their knowledge of cooking at home.  They will learn why safety and sanitation must be controlled at all times and how to use the equipment in a professional kitchen safely.  Knife skills will be further practiced and students will begin to improve their accuracy and speed in producing knife cuts.   Students will explore how our senses are used to experience food.   A variety of cooking techniques and ingredients will be explored and used for the preparation of breakfast foods, soups and appetizers, fruits, vegetables and legumes, as well as sandwiches.  

Advanced Culinary Arts I & II

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 10-12

Prerequisite: Intro to Culinary Arts & Baking AND Culinary Arts 

Advanced Culinary Arts is a single semester course that builds upon the skills learned in the Culinary Arts course.  Students combine classroom instruction in major culinary topics with professional level laboratory experiences to gain a deep understanding of the food service industry.  In this course students will begin by reviewing safety and sanitation and how the HACCP system ensures the safety of the food they serve.  They will practice their knife skills to increase their speed and efficiency.  Standardized recipes will be explored as well as the many different types of dining experiences available in the foodservice industry.  Students will learn about and prepare pasta and grains, stocks and sauces, meats and poultry, fish and shellfish, and a variety of foods from the garde manger station. Due to the project-based nature of the course that develops individual culinary skills, students may take this course twice by experiencing different project foci and receive credits.

Nutrition: Healthy Choices 

Credits: 2.5

Course Length: 1 Semester

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

Do you want to learn how to take care of your body through understanding and making healthy food choices? This one semester, non-foods-lab class will help to answer, “Why we eat what we eat?” and “How does what we eat affect our bodies?” Whether you are active or sedentary, you need to understand how to make healthy rather than unhealthy food choices to meet your own specific dietary needs and personal activity levels. We will study such topics as nutrition through the various stages of life (infant through elderly), nutrition training for various activities, human and sports physiology, nutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals), the digestive process, reading and understanding nutrition labels, nutrition and wellness, career options, etc. This is about YOU and YOUR HEALTH for YOUR LIFE! Start now and make a healthy choice.

Education & Training I & II

Credits: 10

Course Length: Year; 2 periods a day

Grade Level: 11-12

Prerequisite: Click here to complete the required course approval application.

Education and Training (E&T) is a double-period full-year course for students interested in working with children through careers such as education, therapy, social work, counseling, and more.  Students will learn teaching methods and apply them in the off-campus elementary school sites during the first semester and our on-campus preschool laboratory setting during the second semester.  In this course, students will explore the world of early and school-age children and their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development as well as utilize their child development knowledge and observation experience in the creation of a preschool class and curriculum.  Due to the hands-on nature of the course that develops the ability to work with a wide range of early education students, high school students may take this course twice and receive credits..  *Due to the hands-on experiences with children, students taking this course should be in good academic and behavioral standing.