World Languages

Level One: CP Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Spanish 

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

The broad objective of all levels of modern language study is the development of the three modes of communication: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. The first level places particular importance on the presentational and interpersonal skills. Students are prepared to understand the spoken word before they attempt to explore spelling and writing skills. The communication skills are shaped to develop a “personal” kind of communication, so that at the end of the first level, students are able to function in everyday situations in the target language. Interpretive skills are developed through reading and listening practice. Students learn to read, almost immediately, what they have learned to say. The interpersonal and presentational skill of writing is somewhat limited in Level I. Grammar is reinforced through structured exercises based on practical situations. Since culture, the sum total of the beliefs and behavior of a people is best reflected by language, a major emphasis is placed on the appropriate use of language in culturally authentic situations. The Level I world language course is geared to satisfy the requirements of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. Cross Content Workplace Readiness skills are emphasized throughout the course as well as the career awareness component are emphasized throughout the course.

Level Two: CP Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level One.  

Level Two is a continuation of Level One, building on the basics presented in the first year. There is a slight shift of emphasis from the listening-speaking aspect of communication to the reading-writing skills; however, all three communication modes continue to be enhanced. Students become much more aware of idiomatic expression, and grammar is covered in more detail in practical situations. The cultures of the target language studied as well as the language to promote interest in and understanding of its inhabitants and satisfaction of the requirements of the world language state standards. Workplace readiness continues to be emphasized as students deepen their skills in this area. The second year satisfies the entrance requirements of most colleges and universities.

Level Three: CP Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish 

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level Two. 

Level Three is a continuation of Level Two, completing the study of the finer points of grammar and idiomatic expression. The main objective of the third year courses is to enable students to continue to attain a measurable degree of communicative competency and proficiency in each of the three communication modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This is made possible through practical exercises and activities that focus on meaningful, personalized communication. Advanced vocabulary is presented in authentic situational contexts. More advanced grammar concepts are presented to form a coherent, cohesive story. Culturally authentic materials are presented to the students for reinforcement of the communication skills. Short selections in literature are studied to introduce students to literary genres and gems of the past. An emphasis is placed on cultural topics reflecting history, customs, traditions and lifestyles of the people whose language is being studied.

Level Four: CP Chinese, French, German, Italian and Spanish

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level Three. 

Level Four is a continuation of the first three levels of study. After a comprehensive review of grammar, the subjunctive mode is introduced in culturally authentic situations. Literature,  is studied and analyzed, with careful attention paid to cultural aspects of the language under study. All three communication skills are enhanced through constant practice and presentation on the part of the learner. Fluency in speaking and writing are major components in the fourth level of language study. Authentic materials are used to further immerse the student in the culture of the target language.

AP French, AP German, AP Italian, AP Spanish, AP Chinese

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 11-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level IV and teacher recommendation 

The senior advanced course has two main objectives. This course prepares the student for all of the major areas of the Advanced Placement language test. The main emphasis, however, is on the refinement of the three communication modes: interpersonal, interpretive and presentational, with a heavy importance placed on the presentational abilities of the student. Advanced Placement courses are presented on a college level of instruction. Students who complete this course should be able to take intermediate and advanced world language courses when they enter college. Many colleges and universities grant college credit for students who attain successful scores on the Advanced Placement test administered in the spring

Conversational & Compositional Spanish II CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 10-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level I and teacher recommendation 

The objective of this course is to provide students an opportunity to receive direct instruction regarding grammar as it relates to conversation and writing in Spanish. Students will be able to communicate in the interpersonal and presentational modes, in speaking and writing. This course will focus on developing students' ability to express their own ideas using targeted grammar and vocabulary at the paragraph level. Additionally, the course will infuse elements of Spanish and Latin American culture through real-life experiences, both spoken and written. 

El Español Para Hispanohablantes I CP (Spanish for Spanish Speakers I) 

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Native speaker of Spanish 

This course is designed for native speakers of Spanish who wish to reinforce their spelling and grammar while engaging in culturally and intellectually stimulating activities. Current events, Hispanic television shows, music, art, literature, customs and traditions will be addressed as students progress through intensive grammar, vocabulary and syntax reinforcement. Students exiting “El Español Para Hispanohablantes I” will have mastered the grammar and vocabulary taught in Spanish I CP and Spanish II CP.

El Español Para Hispanohablantes II CP (Spanish for Spanish Speakers II)

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 11-12

Prerequisites: Successful completion of El Español Para Hispanohablantes I 

This course is designed for native speakers of Spanish who have successfully completed El Español Para hispanohablantes I. Interpretive, interpersonal and presentational skills will be deepened. As in the first level of this sequence, current events, art, music and literature will be studied with an eye to individualized correction of student grammatical errors. Students who complete this course will have mastered the vocabulary, grammar, and syntax taught in Spanish III CP and Spanish IV CP. With a recommendation from the teacher, students who successfully complete El Español Para Hispanohablantes II may elect to take AP Spanish the following year. 

Latin I CP 

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

Latin I provides the basics of Latin vocabulary, grammar and syntax. There is extensive study of the influence of Latin on the English language, as well as on all of the Romance languages. The exploration of the culture and civilization of Ancient Rome is an integral part of the Latin I course. The study of Latin I is especially beneficial in building students’ English vocabulary skills.

Latin II CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level I

Latin II CP is a continuation of Latin I. All of the vocabulary, grammar and syntax studied in the first year is reviewed and enhanced in the second year. More advanced forms are presented to the students to prepare them to better meet the requirements of the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards. The three modes of communication continue to be stressed, with increasing importance being placed on the presentational skills. Latin II CP satisfies the requirements of many colleges and universities.

Latin III CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of Level II.

Latin III CP is a continuation of the first two levels of Latin studies. Advanced vocabulary, grammar and syntax are emphasized. The three communication modes are reinforced with an increased emphasis on the interpretive skills in reading masterpieces of Latin literature. Presentational skills are enhanced by original writings in Latin on the part of the students. Latin III CP satisfies the entrance requirements of more demanding colleges and universities.

Latin IV CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of level III. 

Latin IV CP is a continuation of the first three levels of Latin studies. Advanced vocabulary, grammar, and syntax are emphasized. Poetry by Ovid, Horace, and Martial, as well as historical writings by Roman emperors, Roman citizens and observers of Roman life are read, analyzed, and compared to present day politics, daily living, and world events and their impacts. 

American Sign Language I CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

ASL I is designed to provide students with an introduction to American Sign Language. In ASL I, students will study basic hand shapes, body movements and facial expressions to convey thoughts to other ASL literate individuals. This course focuses on the development of basic vocabulary, structures, and patterns needed for appropriate concept communication through sign language. Along with the linguistic introduction of American Sign Language, the cultural awareness of the Deaf community will be studied on a daily basis.

American Sign Language II CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of ASL I

ASL II is designed as a continuation of American Sign Language I.  In ASL II, vocabulary and key concepts from the first year will be enhanced and students will continue to study and develop skills related to sentence structure, grammatical rules, and vocabulary. The areas of focus include vocabulary development, sentence structure, sign choice, numbers, phonology, morphology, the use of space, adjectives, nouns, pronouns, non-manual cues, and storytelling. Students will work within the three modes of the language: interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational. Along with the linguistic features of American Sign Language, this course will provide students with a deeper understanding of the history of the Deaf Community while increasing cultural awareness.

American Sign Language III CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Satisfactory completion of ASL II. 

ASL III is a continuation of Level Two, completing the study of the finer points of grammar and idiomatic expression. The main objective of the third year course is to enable students to continue to attain a measurable degree of communicative competency and proficiency in each of the three communication modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This is made possible through practical exercises and activities that focus on meaningful, personalized communication. Advanced vocabulary is presented in authentic situational contexts. More advanced grammar concepts are presented to form a coherent, cohesive story. Culturally authentic materials are presented to the students for reinforcement of the communication skills. 

American Sign Language IV CP

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: Successful completion of ASL III

ASL IV is a continuation of Level Three, completing the study of the finer points of grammar and idiomatic expression. The main objective of the fourth year course is to enable students to continue to attain a measurable degree of communicative competency and proficiency in each of the three communication modes: interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational. This is made possible through practical exercises and activities that focus on meaningful, personalized communication. Advanced vocabulary is presented in authentic situational contexts. More advanced grammar concepts are presented to form a coherent, cohesive story. Culturally authentic materials are presented to the students for reinforcement of the communication skills. 

ESL (English as a Second Language)

Credits: 5

Course Length:  Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

The ESL courses offered are designed for students with limited English proficiency. Eligibility and placement in the appropriate course(s) are assigned through a state mandated screening assessment. Small group and individualized instruction are provided whenever circumstances allow in order for students to improve English language proficiency in all linguistic domains while following a logical progression for second language acquisition.

Transitional English

Credits: 5

Course Length: Year

Grade Level: 9-12

Prerequisite: None 

This course is designed for students who have successfully met or are close to meeting their ESL program basic proficiencies yet have significant gaps that affect both their reading and writing skills. The course will provide an opportunity for students to expand English vocabulary, to improve English syntax, and to increase their knowledge of English idioms through a variety of reading selections.