Agracetus, Incorporated

Agracetus in Wisconsin, April 1996 news article : [HN01TE][GDrive]

Wikipedia 🌐 Agracetus


Saved Wikipedia (Dec 04, 2021) - "Agracetus"

Source : [HK008S][GDrive]  

The Agracetus Campus of Monsanto Company is a soybean transformation laboratory. It has over 21,700 employees worldwide, and an annual revenue of US$11.365 billion reported for 2008.[1]

The first successful genetically engineered crop ever produced for the commercial market was the Roundup Ready soybean, produced at Agracetus in 1991, and was one of fourteen successful transformation events. Scientists there used gold bead gene transfer technology coupled with the β-Glucuronidase reporter gene to produce the plant. The actual gun that shot the gold beads and produced the genetic modifications is now owned by the Smithsonian museum in Washington, DC.

Every Roundup Ready soybean in the world has a relative which was genetically transformed at Agracetus. 80% of the world's soybeans are Roundup Ready.

Agracetus was founded in 1981 as [Cetus Corporation]. Acquired by Monsanto in 1996, the research and development facility is located 8 miles (13 km) west of Madison in the city of Middleton, Wisconsin, on 4.5 acres (18,000 m2). The site has 100,000 square feet (9,300 m2) of research space, 35,000 square feet (3,300 m2) of greenhouse space, about 75 employees, and ten laboratories. Output of genetically modified soy plants is many thousands of transformation events per year.

Genetically modified cotton and genetically modified rice is also an important effort at Agracetus.[2]


Also see  :  Monsanto

History of Wisconsin Crop Innovation Center (Originally known as Cetus of Madison, Inc. ) - (Captured Nov 2021)

Saved PDF : [HE006O][GDrive

Historical Images of the Wisconsin Innovation Center - [HE006Q][GDrive]

Monsanto The Genetic Conspiracy 1 of 3

13,413 viewsMay 4, 2009






8K subscribers


The Monsanto Company...............

From 2003.......

is an American-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup". Monsanto is also by far the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed, holding 70%100% market share for various crops. Agracetus, owned by Monsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In March 2005, it finalized the purchase of Seminis Inc, making it also the largest conventional seed company in the world. It has over 21,700 employees worldwide, and an annual revenue of USD$11.365 billion reported for 2008.

Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation and political lobbying practices, have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the anti-globalization movement and environmental activists......

Former Monsanto employees currently hold positions in US government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Environmental Protection Agency‎ (EPA) and the Supreme Court. These include Clarence Thomas, Michael Taylor, Ann Veneman, Linda Fisher, Michael Friedman, William D. Ruckelshaus, and Mickey Kantor. Linda Fisher has even been back and forth between positions at Monsanto and the EPA.

The Monsanto Company...............

From 2003.......

is an American-based multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation. It is the world's leading producer of the herbicide glyphosate, marketed as "Roundup". Monsanto is also by far the leading producer of genetically engineered (GE) seed, holding 70%100% market share for various crops. Agracetus, owned by Monsanto, exclusively produces Roundup Ready soybean seed for the commercial market. In March 2005, it finalized the purchase of Seminis Inc, making it also the largest conventional seed company in the world. It has over 21,700 employees worldwide, and an annual revenue of USD$11.365 billion reported for 2008.

Monsanto's development and marketing of genetically engineered seed and bovine growth hormone, as well as its aggressive litigation and political lobbying practices, have made the company controversial around the world and a primary target of the anti-globalization movement and environmental activists......

Former Monsanto employees currently hold positions in US government agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), United States Environmental Protection Agency‎ (EPA) and the Supreme Court. These include Clarence Thomas, Michael Taylor, Ann Veneman, Linda Fisher, Michael Friedman, William D. Ruckelshaus, and Mickey Kantor. Linda Fisher has even been back and forth between positions at Monsanto and the EPA.

Donald Rumsfeld reportedly earned $12 million from increased stock value when G. D. Searle & C

The future of food (p1)

38 viewsMay 3, 2013





Schwartz Media

10.3K subscribers


Part 1 | Part 2At the Food Security Summit (Global Change Institute, University of Queensland), leading scientists and policy advisers from Australia and overseas set out explore...


1981 (June 10) - Cetus opening new genetics lab (agricultural) in Madison (Wisconsin) 

Full newspaper page : [HN01SJ][GDrive]   /  This is about the creation of what became Agracetus, Incorporated from Cetus Corporation ;  Also mentioned : Dr. Ronald Elliot Cape (born 1932)  


By Eric Lax  /   Dec. 22, 1985   /   Source : [HN01SI][GDrive]     /  Copy of full article on this page : [Cetus Corporation]

Mentioned :  Dr. Ronald Elliot Cape (born 1932)  /   W.R. Grace and Company   /  Agracetus, Incorporated  /  Cetus Corporation  /  

Pg 32 image : [HN02DO][GDrive
Pg 32 image : [HN02DP][GDrive]


It was, therefore, not surprising when the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly recently agreed to acquire Hybritech, a San Diego-based company that manufactures monoclonal antibodies, which are artificially produced proteins that identify and attack specific disease organisms in the body. The purchase agreement: at least $300 million.

Over the long haul, only a few of the hundreds of existing biotech companies are expected to become successful independent businesses. Furthermore, a company that hopes to have products in areas outside its specialty will need not only financial backing but also alliances with established leaders in the various fields. As Bob Fildes has said, ''The only way to get into a shark-infested world is to go in on a shark.'' [Cetus Corporation], for example, last year formed an agricultural joint venture with [W.R. Grace and Company], called [Agracetus, Incorporated], in which Grace has pledged at least $60 million for a 51 percent interest. Joint ventures have also been negotiated with Nabisco Brands (before it became an R. J. Reynolds subsidiary) for research into food and food additives, and with Weyerhaeuser, a leading forest-products company, for possible wood by-products.

''We knew from the beginning that there would be a long time line for developments in agriculture, and that even with good products you need a strong and large marketing arm like Grace,'' says Cape.



By Keith Schneider, Special To the New York Times   /  May 31, 1986   /  Source : [HN01TF][GDrive]  

In a significant step for the biotechnology industry and agriculture, scientists and technicians planted genetically engineered tobacco on a Wisconsin farm today to begin the first outdoor test of plants modified by artificial manipulation of their genetic structures.

The field test was conducted by Agracetus, a small biotechnology company in Middleton, Wis., that is jointly owned by the Cetus Corporation, a biotechnology concern in Emeryville, Calif., and W. R. Grace & Company, the diversified New York producer of chemicals and consumer products.

The modified tobacco plants are the second living genetically engineered organisms to be deliberately released into the environment. Last year, the Department of Agriculture approved field tests in the Middle West of a gene-altered virus in a swine vaccine, and in January it granted an Omaha-based animal health-care company the first license to market a living genetically engineered product.

The field test, according to biotechnology analysts, opens what many new companies hope will be a vast market for custom-designed crops that will lower farm production costs and lead to less environmental damage from toxic farm chemicals. $9 Billion Potential American farmers currently spend roughly $9 billion a year on farm chemicals and fertilizers to help crops grow bigger and faster while protecting them from diseases and pests. The technology in which genes from different species are mixed, however, provides plant breeders with a powerful tool for producing crops that could reduce the use of farm chemicals.

Many biotechnology companies are studying methods for engineering corn, wheat, rye, cotton, and citrus crops that would resist insects. Others are developing systems for enabling crop plants to manufacture their own nitrogen fertilizer. Some scientists are even exploring means for increasing crop productivity by doubling the rate of photosynthesis in plants.

Jack Doyle, agriculture analyst with the Environmental Policy Institute in Washington, said: ''W. R. Grace clearly sees the writing on the wall in terms of the future of hydrocarbon chemistry in farming. Major companies are entering this field because they see that eventually this technology can make chemicals obsolete.''

Regulators Are Unsure

The field test comes amid uncertainty in Washington on the regulation of biotechnology. Federal administrators are awaiting a decision by President Reagan on new policies to determine how the Department of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Agency oversee genetically engineered products to be used by farmers.

Moreover, public protests have taken place in Missouri and California in recent months near sites where biotechnology companies sought to spray living microbes that had been genetically altered. But experiments involving genetically engineered plants have come under less criticism because in most cases they are easier to control, scientists say.

Dr. Winston Brill, vice president of research and development at Agracetus, said the test was planned for today to coincide with the growing cycle of tobacco in Wisconsin. Moreover, said Dr. Brill, the field test had been thoroughly examined by scientists with the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Agriculture, and approved in November. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources also reviewed the test and approved it.

Dr. Brill said relief outweighed happiness among the companies' top executives. Agracetus has been developing the gene-altered tobacco plants for more than three years, and company officials worried that critics might protest the field test. One prominent critic of the industry, Jeremy Rifkin, president of the Foundation on Economic Trends in Washington, said today that he did not feel the Agracetus project raised any fundamental issues and that he would not oppose the test.

No Champagne for Him

Dr. Brill said: ''My wife asked me if we're going to get champagne for the company. I chose not to because this is a historic event, perhaps, but not a commercially important event. It is the first of many, many thousands of plants that will be coming out over the next decade here and around the world. There certainly is some excitement about it, but we're also fed up with it. We really want to get on to the next things, which are much more important.''

Today, Agracetus planted 200 four-inch, gene-altered tobacco seedlings on a plot the size of a front yard near Middleton, in south-central Wisconsin near Madison. The company would not disclose the location of the site because it feared the experiment could be sabotaged by protesters.

The tobacco plants, according to Agracetus, are resistant to crown gall, a bacterial disease. The resistance trait was developed by incorporating a single gene from a common yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, into the tobacco plant's genetic structure.

Agracetus executives say the altered tobacco plant will not become a commercial product. Rather, scientists are testing the system for moving genes into crop plants. They hope to show that adding a gene will produce the desired characteristic and not interrupt other biological traits, such as high yield.

If the tests are successful, said executives, it could help Agracetus engineer disease resistance into major crops like corn, cotton and soybeans.


By Keith Schneider, Special To the New York Times  /   June 8, 1987  /  Source : [HN01TG][GDrive]  

Genetic engineering, the most powerful and precise biological tool for manipulating life ever devised, has reached a milestone.

Fourteen years after scientists first spliced genetic material from one microbe into another to create a bit of life that never before existed, genetic alterations once confined to science fiction are becoming ever more common.

Now the United States Patent and Trademark Office has ruled that genetic engineers may patent higher life forms - even mammals. The decision promises to widen vastly the commercial and agricultural applications of novel methods of producing new kinds of life.

Industrial leaders say they must be able to patent new life forms and processes if they are to protect their investments and move forward in a field full of innovation and risk. But the patent office ruling has also revived anxiety about the safety and morality of tampering with life forms.

Hearings Planned This Week

That concern prompted a Congressional committee to schedule hearings this week on ethics and regulations in the field of genetic engineering. Last month, the Senate approved a measure that would prevent the Patent Office from spending money on reviewing patents for animals, but it still faces a conference committee vote.

In the near future biotechnology may see these developments:

A Rust-Colored Pig

As the debate unfolds, many eyes will turn to a rust-colored pig in Beltsville, Md., with the growth hormone gene of a cow. That pig represents success to the genetic engineers and, because of its pathetic infirmities, new reason for concern to those who fear that mankind now has too many tools for meddling in the complex matter of life.

In recent months most of the concern about genetic engineering centered on the release into the environment of newly devised organisms in the form of bacteria designed to help plants resist pests, diseases and bad weather. With the new patent ruling, however, the concern has begun to shift to more complicated genetic manipulation in higher life forms -mammals - resulting in transgenic creatures like the pig with a cow gene.

In the long run, opponents and proponents of genetic engineering see a vast array of potential applications, including plants and microbes designed to produce fuel; cows that produce medicines instead of milk, or even babies destined to have a particular height, hair color or other traits.

The genetic traits of plants and animals have been manipulated for centuries. But until now animal breeding and the hybridization of crop plants have been slow, cumbersome and difficult. Furthermore, until now, breeders were never able to introduce genes from one species into another or to make such extensive changes. Redesigning Man? Because many breeding techniques, such as artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, have already made their way into medicine, there are some who fear it may not be long until the manipulation of animal traits will extend to human traits as well.

''Important legal, constitutional and policy issues were raised by this decision,'' said Representative Robert W. Kastenmeier, a Wisconsin Democrat who heads the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties, and the Administration of Justice, which will hold the hearing Thursday on the Patent Office ruling.

The commercial applications of genetic engineering are already apparent. Sales of genetically engineered products, most of them new pharmaceuticals, have almost doubled annually in recent years and topped $350 million last year, according to industry analysts. The Congressional Office of Technology Assessment has identified almost 400 companies seeking to develop products with genetic engineering and other modern biological technologies. More than $3 billion, two-thirds of it provided by the Government, will be invested this year in biotechnology research, according to the General Accounting Office and industry analysts.

Yet as the ambitions and accomplishments of genetic engineering increase, awareness of its power and potential is generating a mixture of fascination and hope, aversion and misunderstanding.

A survey of 1,273 American adults published in May by the Congressional technology office found that while a majority of those interviewed believed that the potential benefits of genetic engineering outweighed its risks, they were disturbed by some applications, particularly the release of manufactured life forms into the environment and manipulations in human embryos. Sharp Disagreement Over Possible Dangers ''People understand at a gut level that there is something wondrous, and perhaps perilous, about a technology that changes the blueprint of life and will force us to make choices that are likely to be more profound than anything we, as a society, have ever faced,'' said Senator Albert Gore Jr., a Tennessee Democrat who has studied the biotechnology industry.

Though scientists generally agree the field offers great promise, there is sharp disagreement over its potential perils.

''We are bringing a completely human-centered utilitarian attitude toward life,'' said Dr. Michael Fox, a veterinarian and scientific director of the Humane Society of the United States. ''All of earth's living things will simply become items to exploit.''

Other scientists and many biotechnology industry executives insist that genetic manipulation will hasten the development of cures for diseases like AIDS, lead to solutions for toxic chemical pollution, produce a new agricultural cornucopia and open an industrial era based not on fossil fuels and chemicals, but on new, non-polluting substances produced by genetically engineered plants or microbes.

Genetic engineering was recognized as a momentous development in 1973, when [Dr. Stanley Norman Cohen (born 1935)] of Stanford University and [Dr. Herbert Wayne "Herb" Boyer (born 1936)] of the University of California at San Francisco snipped a piece of the genetic code out of one bacterium and inserted it into another.

But that experiment was followed almost immediately by a host of safety and ethical questions, many of which remain unresolved. Are living, gene-altered microbes safe to release outdoors? What is the best way to assess the risk from such uses? Is it ethical to alter the genetic codes of animals? What about people? How can a society know whether a new technology should be pursued or ignored?

''The issues range from ethics within universities, to the environment, to eugenics, to definitions of nature, to religious thought, to what it is to be human,'' said Dorothy Nelkin, a professor in Cornell University's Program on Science, Technology and Society. ''Other disputes over technology have been much simpler and mostly focus on health concerns.''

Rearranging Gene Chemicals

The source of the excitement and the conflicts is a technique, conceptually simple but in practice quite complex, for rearranging basic hereditary material: the deoxyribonucleic acid, or DNA, that makes up genes.

DNA molecules are long, twisted ladders of chemicals called nucleotide bases: adenine, thymine, guanine and cytosine. More than 30 years ago, scientists determined that adenine always pairs with thymine, and cytosine with guanine. These chemical connections are called base pairs; a single gene, a section of DNA, is typically made up of 10,000 to 20,000 base pairs. Human beings, it is estimated, have between 100,000 and 200,000 genes, or up to 4 billion base pairs, organized on 46 chromosomes.

Though the numbers of genes in mammals, plants, and microbes differ, their ladder-like molecular structure does not. Scientists are now able to identify and isolate specific genes and remove them with proteins, called restriction enzymes, that slice DNA in specific places. The enzymes cause the pairs on either end of the gene to split, leaving nucleotide bases without corresponding mates. Scientists call the unpaired bases ''sticky ends'' because, seeking the correct chemical fit, they easily merge with another organism's genetic structure.

Yet simply isolating a gene from one animal and plugging it into another does not mean that the gene will produce the desired result. A gene's functions are determined by its location on a chromosome, the workings of neighboring genes and other factors that are still mysteries. Current Limitations And Possibilities So far, genetic engineers are largely limited to transferring single genes into microbes, plants and animals, or taking single genes out of bacteria and viruses. Alterations involving more than one gene, such as creating crops that produce their own insecticides and fertilizer, or cows that produce medications in their udders instead of milk, are still years away.

Assertions that genetic engineering will produce unrecognizable plants or monstrous animals are considered by many researchers to be scientifically absurd.

''There are severe limits to the extent of the modifications we can make,'' said Dr. Bernard D. Davis, a microbiologist at Harvard Medical School. ''If you mix genes from genetically distant organisms that don't fit each other well, you will not have an organism that can live.''

''We're not going to make weeds out of non-weedy species,'' said Dr. Winston Brill, vice president of research and development at Agracetus, a plant biotechnology company in Middleton, Wis. ''We're not going to have Frankensteins crawling around.''

Nevertheless, transfers involving a single gene can yield striking physiological changes.

A Pig Unlike Any Other

For example, the transgenic pig, a rust-colored boar born last November at the Department of Agriculture's experiment station in Beltsville, now weighs as much as its natural cousins; unlike them, little of its bulk is fat. But it has trouble walking on short legs swollen by arthritis. Its eyes, peering from a broad and wrinkled face, are slightly crossed. If it is like its father, who was one of the world's first transgenic farm animals, it will not live to be 2 years old.

Nothing about producing transgenic animals is easy. Genes are injected into fertilized animal eggs. Piercing cell walls kills between half and three quarters of the eggs, said Dr. Vernon G. Pursel, the research physiologist conducting the swine experiments. In four years, scientists injected more than 8,000 fertilized eggs to produce just 43 transgenic pigs.

It is little wonder, then, that researchers at Beltsville consider the birth of the rust-colored pig to be a scientific success. The young boar inherited the gene that scientists inserted into its father, and the gene expressed itself. Scientists are now working to control the gene so that it produces animals that grow fast, eat less, and produce more lean meat, without the complex of crippling diseases afflicting the boar.

The Foundation on Economic Trends, a small public policy group that opposes genetic engineering, and the Humane Society of the United States unsuccessfully filed suit in Federal Disrict Court three years ago to halt the research that produced the rust-colored boar's father. They said the research was cruel, violated the innate dignity of animals and would have significant social and economic effects by producing bigger, more expensive animals that would cause dislocations in the farm economy.

''That kind of scientific reductionism undermines the respect for life and future generations will come to regret it,'' Jeremy Rifkin, president of the foundation, said recently.

The two groups are also protesting the new Patent Office policy. In this battle they are joined by farm organizations, consumer groups, environmental groups and most major animal welfare groups.

''Farmers believe they will be facing fewer choices in terms of breeds available to them and will be paying far more for animals,'' said R. Keith Stroup, legal counsel for the League of Rural Voters, a family farm advocacy group that opposes the policy. ''There's another issue here, too. Most farmers who deal with animals on a day-to-day basis want to be very thoughtful and careful about tampering with life. Clearly we have not explored fully the repercussions, morally and ethically, of what these patent applications seek to do.''

Fifteen applications have been filed, but the office does not release descriptions of patent proposals until they are approved.

Dr. Pursel said he was sensitive to the protests but unsure how to respond. ''We are not doing anything out here that is cruel,'' he said, adding, ''The research could have a tremendous practical value.''

Less Invasive Applications

Other applications of genetic engineering technology are less invasive and also less divisive. Scientists have discovered several methods for moving bacterial and viral genes into plants to make them more resistant to insects and diseases. Field tests were conducted last year in Wisconsin, North Carolina and Mississippi and this year in Missouri without protest.

Researchers at the University of California at Davis are working to develop plants that produce their own fertilizers. Around the country, scientists are studying genetic manipulations to increase the rate of photosynthesis to hasten plant growth.

In the pharmaceutical industry, four drugs produced by genetically engineered bacteria have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The agency has been asked to approve another new drug made by genetically altered bacteria, tissue plasminogen activator, to be used in treating heart attacks. Its manufacturer, Genentech of South San Francisco, predicts that sales of the drug could reach $800 million a year. Genentech has also inserted human genes into bacteria to produce insulin, growth hormone, and alpha-interferon, which is used to treat hairy cell leukemia.

Until recent weeks, the most raucous battle in biotechnology focused on releasing living, gene-altered bacteria outdoors. Two field tests in California in April had been delayed three years by protests and challenges and then were marred by vandalism as a result of initial scientific concerns that the microbes would spread beyond the test site. They did not.

Implications for Change In Human Genetic Code

The conflict took a new turn in April after the Patent Office decision to patent new forms of animal life, a ruling some opponents of genetic engineering characterized as a rifle shot at the human genome.

It is already possible to detect some of the 3,000 genetic diseases. It will be possible, scientists say, to cure genetic disorders by removing or adding genes. But what should the proper limits be for intervening in the human genetic code? Is asthma a genetic disease, and should that be cured genetically? What about baldness? And if diseases are curable genetically, that may also mean that traits could be added to the human genetic code, such as hair color or height.

Since 1975, the National Institutes of Health has refused to provide funds for research involving human embryos or fetuses. Senator Gore, vice chairman of the two-year-old Congressional Biomedical Ethics Board, said the panel was planning hearings on whether such grants should be reinstated.

Like every other twist in genetic engineering, the patenting of higher life forms is certain to heat emotions and generate contention among scientists. The technology is powerful and complex; if allowed to blossom, it could enable people to make direct genetic choices for their offspring and begin to determine human evolution.  

1989 (July 04)

Full newspaper page : [HN01TZ][GDrive]  

1990 (Jan 04) - Cetus sells its remaining 50% share of Agracetus to W.R. Grace 

Full newspaper page : [HN01TX][GDrive]  

1990 (March 10)

Full newspaper page : [HN01U1][GDrive]  

1993 (March 30) - NYTimes : "New Vaccine Method Using DNA Protects Mice Against a Flu Virus"

By Robin Marantz Henig  /   March 30, 1993  / Source : [HN01T3][GDrive]  

A NEW kind of vaccine, which uses direct injections of DNA particles instead of the whole virus to induce immunity, has proved effective in protecting mice against influenza A.

The new method delivers "naked" DNA directly into a cell, prompting the mice to manufacture foreign proteins and then antibodies against them, holding out promise for vaccination against other infectious diseases, scientists reported recently in the journal Science.

Immunization with DNA mimics an actual infection more closely than a traditional vaccine does. With a traditional vaccine, an artificial virus protein, or antigen, acts as a stimulus for antibody production. But with a DNA vaccine, the virus protein is made in the cell rather than in the laboratory.

As a result, the antigen in DNA immunization stimulates not only an antibody response, but also a response known as cellular immunity, in which the body manufactures so-called killer T cells to destroy infected cells.

Implications of Findings

"This technique has conceptually raised the field of vaccine research to another level," said Dr. Carole Heilman, chief of the respiratory diseases branch at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md. "The implications are much broader than for influenza vaccine. In theory, this technique should work for just about any infectious pathogen."

It could also pave the way for a new kind of treatment for genetic disease, autoimmune disease and cancer, scientists said. But they stressed that human application was still several years away.

"What we've been trying to do with many vaccine formulations is to present antigen so it looks like it's coming from the inside out, rather than from the outside in," said Dr. Frederick Vogel, a microbiologist in the vaccine branch of the division of AIDS at the institute. "This is actually doing that."

But some scientists say the system's reliance on killer T cells is its weakness. "The cellular immune response is a transient response," said Dr. Brian Murphy of the institute. "Unless the virus establishes a persistent infection, the T cells disappear after about two weeks and have to be replicated from memory" after a subsequent infection. This reactivation takes two to five days, he said, by which time the virus could have taken hold.

Unlike other systems intended to deliver genes into cells, DNA immunization requires no packaging. This direct injection of pure DNA is cheaper and probably safer, since other delivery systems pose a small risk of causing infections because they use immobilized viruses as DNA carriers.

Another advantage of the new system is its stability, an important factor in distributing vaccines in third-world countries. "DNA is stable at room temperature," said [Dr. Jon Asher Wolff (born 1956)], director of biochemical genetics at the University of Wisconsin, a co-discoverer of the delivery technique described in Science. "So these vaccines probably wouldn't have to be refrigerated, the way vaccines containing viruses have to be."

An Accidental Discovery

Dr. Wolff traced the vaccine's development to a fluke discovery. "At first I thought my technician, Phil Williams, had made a mistake," he said. Dr. Wolff and his collaborators at [Vical Incorporated], a San Diego biotechnology company, were using a fatty protein to package DNA for delivery into the muscle cells of mice. Proof of their success would be evidence that the cell was manufacturing the foreign protein coded for by the DNA.

As a control, they injected DNA without the protein into a comparison group of mice. But to their astonishment, the mice that received only DNA actually took up more DNA, and produced higher levels of the foreign protein, than the mice that received the DNA-plus-lipid package.

"It was so beautiful," said [Dr. Margaret Ann Liu (born 1956)], director of immunology at the Merck Research Laboratories in West Point, Pa., who later collaborated with the Vical scientists on the DNA flu vaccine. "People tried so hard with very complicated things to get DNA into cells. There was all this noise and thunder, and then in the quiet it turns out we have a very simple way of making this work."

At about the same time, scientists at other laboratories were independently making similar findings.

"When I first presented my work with what I called 'gene vaccines' in July 1992, the response was one of disbelief," said Dr. Harriet Robinson of the University of Massachusetts in Worcester, who experimented on chickens as well as mice, and inserted DNA directly into skin and mucosal cells. "The first question I was asked was, 'You don't think this will ever be useful, do you?' "

But by last September, at a scientific meeting in Cold Spring Harbor, L.I., the attitude toward gene vaccines had already changed. "All of a sudden it was working in too many laboratories to be ignored," Dr. Robinson said. "There was an appreciation that this was a very powerful, very promising, very exciting approach."

Use of DNA Gun

She and her collaborator, Dr. Joel Haynes of [Agracetus, Incorporated], in Middletown, Wis., have been delivering pure DNA into animals with a "DNA gun," which shoots gold beads coated with DNA from an influenza virus gene directly into skin cells.

The skin cells take in the DNA and make the influenza protein it directs them to make. The immune system responds with appropriate and effective antibodies and killer T cells.

Dr. Robinson said this technique induces immune protection with one one-thousandth of the flu DNA used in the Merck/Vical model.

"This system will be exceptionally useful for infections other than flu that we've never developed vaccines for," Dr. Robinson said. She said it held great promise for the control of viruses that cause measles, hepatitis and AIDS, as well as rotaviruses, which cause diarrhea in children.

1994 (April 19) -



Mentioned : Agracetus, Incorporated  , and Dr. Joel R. Haynes 

Reprinted in 1995 - 

1996 (September) - Report titled "A Novel DNA-based Vaccine methodology for AIDS", by Dr. Joel R. Haynes of Agracetus Inc. ; Funded by USAMRIID

Source : [HG00EP][GDrive]


Nucleic acid vaccines have potential to mimic several characteristics of live attenuated viral or bacterial vaccines since they induce the de novo production of microbial antigens, leading to the presentation of correctly folded conformational determinants, and the induction of MHC class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses. Because plasmid DNA-based vaccines are noninfectious and incapable of replication, they may be regarded as an attractive alternative to the use of live attenuated or live recombinant viruses that generally carry a finite risk of pathogenicity. Recent activity in the development of candidate DNA vaccines has involved two parallel tracks based on the method of delivery. While the first reported DNA or genetic vaccine involved the intracellular delivery of an antigen-encoding plasmid vector to the skin of mice using a gene gun (1), subsequent DNA vaccine reports demonstrated that intramuscular inoculation of naked plasmid DNA was effective as well (2-14). Both methods elicit humoral, cellular, and protective immune responses and represent an attractive strategy for developing a new generation of safe and effective vaccines for various infectious diseases.
While the majority of reports in the emerging area of DNA vaccination have involved intramuscular inoculation, the mechanism of DNA uptake into skeletal muscle cells is relatively inefficient and poorly understood (15). In addition, recent data suggest that muscle transfection efficiencies in higher animals, such as ferrets and nonhuman primates, are considerably reduced relative to rodents (16, 17). These observations, along with the fact that skeletal muscle is generally not considered a major immunological inductive site, suggest that alternative routes and methods of DNA vaccine delivery could result in considerably stronger responses using smaller quantities of DNA. While concern over the amount of DNA required to elicit specific responses may be largely one of economy, there is a limit to the amount of DNA that can be administered as a single DNA vaccine dose and still remain practical.
The potential of gene gun-based gene transfer methods to effectively deliver DNA vaccines was recognized several years ago since this technology achieves the direct intracellular deposition of small quantities of DNA. While this advantage alone has the potential to dramatically reduce the amount of DNA required per immunization, the ability of gene guns to target the skin provides a simple means of delivering DNA to a major immunological inductive site (18,19).
Our research efforts during this second year of funding have continued to focus on the development of candidate gene gun-based DNA vaccines for HIV, as well as the optimization of gene gun vaccine technology in general, in both rodent and pig models. This approach is based on the observation that live attenuated vaccine approaches for HIV still appear to offer the best efficacy (SIV / rhesus monkey model) and the fact that DNA-based vaccines can mimic certain characteristics of live vaccines, such as the induction of antibodies recognizing correctly folded antigens, and the capacity to elicit cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses. Progress during this year of funding in the rodent model resulted in data demonstrating that the quality and strength of gpl20-specific antibody and cytokine responses can be manipulated via alterations in the immunization regimen (number and timing of vaccine doses). It now appears possible to tailor individual immunization regimens to specifically enhance certain types of responses, in that longer resting periods between immunizations favor the induction of IgG2a and IFN-y, so-called Thl-like responses that may be important for protection against HIV infection and/or disease progression.
Progress in the nonhuman primate model has demonstrated that antibody responses elicited via gene gun-based DNA immunization can be dramatically enhanced via boosting with either recombinant subunit or recombinant virus-based vaccines. There appears to be a synergistic effect in the overall strength of antibody responses when more than one vaccination strategy is combined. In addition, a live SIV challenge study in gene gun-immunized rhesus macaques resulted in an approximate 100-fold reduction in virus load (relative to naive controls) following a heterologous challenge.
Finally, progress in the pig model has resulted in the optimization of gene gun vaccine delivery conditions such that the administration of three gene gun doses of a hepatitis B surface antigen-encoding vector results in geometric mean antibody titers that are equivalent to those seen in animals immunized with a commercially available recombinant subunit vaccine. The ability to elicit such potent responses in a large animal model using only 0.5 ug of DNA per vaccine dose demonstrates the potential this vaccine technology may have in future human clinical trials.


Murine Model - Manipulation of gpl20-specific immune responses
Background: Recent activity in the characterization and manipulation of immune responses following direct DNA delivery in vivo in mouse models has demonstrated that direct intradermal and intramuscular inoculation of plasmid DNA results in the induction of T helper 1-like (Thl) responses characterized by IFN-y production and predominantly IgG2a antibodies (20-25) More recently, this phenomenon was shown to be dependent upon the adjuvant properties of specific CpG-containing bacterial DNA sequences, termed immunostimulatory sequences (ISS), that result in enhanced immunogenicity, with preferential augmentation of Thl cytokine production (25).
In contrast to intradermal and intramuscular inoculation, we recently demonstrated that direct intracellular DNA delivery to epidermal keratinocytes using a gene gun elicits antibody responses in mice that consist mainly of the IgGl subclass, as well as cytokine responses that shift to progressively stronger T helper 2-like (Th2) profiles (IL-4 > IFN-y) with successive immunizations (21, 26). This phenomenon may be related to the fact that immune responses elicited via epidermal gene gun delivery are not significantly affected by the adjuvant properties of bacterial plasmid DNA that are apparent following parenteral inoculation. This idea is also supported by the observations that strong responses can be elicited by gene gun delivery using very small quantities of DNA (27), the IgGl-to-IgG2a ratio is not affected by titration of the DNA inoculum from 25 pg to 40 \lg (T. R. Roberts and J. R. Haynes, unpublished), and immune responses in rodents and pigs are not diminished when plasmid backbones lacking ISS elements are substituted (manuscript in preparation).Inasmuch as the route of DNA delivery (gene gun versus parenteral inoculation) influences the quality and types of immune responses elicited, the potential to further manipulate these responses via adjuvantation (28) or cytokine gene codelivery (22,29-31) continues to be an intriguing possibility. Previously, it was shown that the codelivery of vectors encoding a cytokine such as GM-CSF can augment antigen-specific responses following both intramuscular or epidermal plasmid DNA delivery (22, 32). However, the potential to qualitatively modulate the types of responses elicited (i.e. Thl vs. Th2) by cytokine vector codelivery has not been described.
In the past funding year, we demonstrated that vectors encoding interleukins -2, -7, and -12 can independently enhance antigen-specific IFN-y production and suppress both IgGl and IL-4 responses, when codelivered with an HIV-1 gpl20 vector to the epidermis via gene gun treatment. Interestingly, more dramatic effects on immune responses were observed when, in the absence of cytokine gene codelivery, the resting period between gene gun immunizations was lengthened. These data are consistent with the potential to manipulate the types of responses elicited via gene gun-mediated DNA immunization, and suggest that the particular dosing regimen can have marked effects. Details of these findings follow.
Recent data: To determine if cytokine gene codelivery could modulate the quality of responses elicited via gene gun-mediated DNA immunization, a series of mice received either 1, 2, or 3 consecutive epidermal DNA immunizations consisting of an HIV-1 gpl20 expression vector, with or without an additional vector encoding murine IL-2, -7, or -12. Successive immunizations were at 1 month intervals and animals in each group were sacrificed two weeks following their final immunization. Gpl20-specific IFN-y and IL-4 production levels were measured in an in vitro antigen stimulation assay in the absence of exogenous cytokine addition.
Serum samples were also collected for measurement of the relative levels of gpl20-specific IgGl and IgG2a antibodies. Figure 1 shows the IgG isotype data for those animals that received either two or three gpl20 DNA immunizations (boost 1 and boost 2, respectively). In the absence of cytokine vector codelivery, gpl20-specific IgGl responses rose markedly between the second and third immunizations (panels A and B, "None") while IgG2a responses remained modest or declined slightly (panels C and D, "None"). These data are consistent with earlier results showing an apparent Thl-to-Th2-like shift in gpl20-specific responses with successive immunizations since the relative IgGl-to-IgG2a ratio increased by approximately 25-fold between the second and third doses (26). Interestingly, this selective enhancement of IgGl responses following the third immunization was significantly suppressed by the codelivery of the IL-7 and IL-12 vectors (panel B). IgGl responses in mice that received IL-2 vector codeliveries were also suppressed, but the data were of borderline significance.
Additional evidence for the modulation of gpl20-specific responses via cytokine gene codelivery was obtained from the IFN-y and IL-4 production patterns (Figure 2). Using the gpl20 vector alone, mean gpl20-specific IFN-y production levels were weak in animals that received either 1, 2, and 3 immunizations (panels A, B, and C, "None"), with no IFN-y activity being detected in the splenocyte supernatants derived from 9 of 12 animals. However, cytokine vector codelivery resulted in dramatically enhanced EFN-y production in vitro, particularly in animals that received two immunizations (panel B). Consistent with these results, IL-4 production in vitro was suppressed in supernatants derived from animals that received cytokine vector codeliveries (panel D). In the latter case, EL-4 activity was not detected in direct splenocyte supernatants, but was detected in the supernatants of nylon wool-purified T cells from boost 1 animals following antigen stimulation (T cells were not purified from the splenocytes of animals from the primary and boost 2 immunization groups). Interestingly, DL-4 activity was only detected in animals that received the gpl20 vector alone or the gpl20 + IL-2 vectors. IL-7 and EL-12 vector codelivery resulted in a complete suppression of detectable IL-4 production from purified T cells. These data, when combined with the EFN-y and IgG isotype data demonstrate that the quality of antigen-specific responses elicited via epidermal DNA immunization can be modulated toward a Thl pattern via cytokine vector codelivery.

Monkey Model

Background: The direct intracellular delivery of plasmid DNAs, encoding a variety of antigens, to the epidermis of laboratory animals using the Accell gene gun system results in the induction of significant humoral, cellular, and protective immune responses after one or two immunizations in mice, ferrets, pigs, and nonhuman primates using microgram quantities of DNA (34). However, gene gun-based DNA immunization studies employing vectors encoding antigens from HIV-1 and SIV have typically required several booster immunizations to achieve significant immune responses, presumably due to the low efficiency of these vectors (26, 35, 36).
In the past funding year, we demonstrated that immune responses specific for SIV gpl20 elicited via gene gun immunization in rhesus monkeys can be markedly improved by increasing the length of the resting period between immunizations. In addition, we demonstrated that gene-gun based DNA immunizations using HIV-1 and SIV expression vectors effectively prime for the induction of very strong antibody responses in rhesus macaques that received recombinant subunit or live recombinant vaccinia virus booster immunizations. Finally, a live heterologous SIV challenge of gene gun-immunized rhesus macaques resulted in an approximate 100-fold reduction in virus load at multiple time points following challenge, with evidence for elevated CD4 counts and some delay in disease progression. These results were achieved despite the presence of very low antibody responses.
Recent data:
Subunit boosting: In the first funding year (94-95) we reported that rhesus monkeys which received a series of gene gun-based HIV-1 DNA immunizations using vectors encoding the entire HIV-ILAI gag-pol-env open reading frame or HIV-1LAI gpl20 developed relatively low antibody responses specific for recombinant gpl20 and p24 from HIV-lmB, but mounted significant anamnestic responses recognizing IIIB antigens following a single booster immunization with a recombinant subunit vaccine containing the gpl20 and p24 products from HIV-1SF2 (Chiron Corp.). This study was completed in the present funding year in which antibody responses specific for the gpl20 and p24 antigens from both the IIIB and SF2 strains were measured following the single recombinant subunit boost. In addition, a second recombinant subunit boost was administered, resulting in even higher titers.
In this study, five rhesus macaques were vaccinated with six consecutive DNA doses spaced four to six weeks apart, in which each dose consisted of 10 (Xg of vector DNA encoding HIV-1 gag-pol-env (pcHIVpal) or gpl20 (pcENV-t). These animals developed only low to modest antibody responses against HIV-1 gpl20 (IIIB and SF2) (Table 1). However, after a single recombinant subunit booster immunization consisting of HIV-1 SF2 gpl20 and p24, all five animals showed a greater than log-fold elevation in their antibody responses specific for HIV-1 gpl20 (Table 2). A second subunit boost resulted in further amplification of these responses (Table 3). Similar antibody titers were detected against gpl20 from HIV-1 strains SF2 and IIIB, demonstrating that DNA immunization with the IIIB sequences effectively primed for the induction of vigorous heterologous responses against SF2, even though the responses specific for IIIB following the DNA immunizations alone were relatively weak.
Antibody responses against HIV-1 p24 (IIIB and SF2) are also shown in Tables 1-3. Similar to the gpl20 data, three out of five animals (J342, L620, and M228) previously immunized with DNA expressing HIV-1 p24 showed markedly elevated responses against p24 following a single subunit booster immunization (Table 2). In contrast, the two animals that were immunized with DNA encoding only gpl20 (J538 and N340) did not develop p24-specific IgG responses after a single subunit boost. Moreover, after a second subunit boost, the p24 responses detected in these animals were 10 to 40 times lower than the responses detected in the animals that received p24 gag DNA immunizations prior to boosting (Table 3). These data demonstrate the effectiveness of epidermal DNA vaccines in priming for the induction of vigorous antibody responses following routine recombinant subunit immunization, in that considerable synergy between the two routes appears evident. Further evidence in support of synergy between DNA priming and subunit boosting comes from a parallel group of monkeys that received a series of four gpl20/p24 subunit vaccinations, in the absence of DNA priming. These animals developed gpl20 and p24-specific antibody titers that were approximately 10-fold lower that those observed in the DNA-primed animals that received two subunit booster immunizations (Susan Barnett, personal communication, Chiron Corp.).

1996 (April 09) - Wisconsin State Journal 

Full newspaper pages : 1A : [HN01TA][GDrive]   /  2A : [HN01TC][GDrive]


Source : [HN01T9][GDrive]

"W. R. Grace & Company said yesterday that it had agreed to sell a unit of its Agracetus subsidiary that develops genetically altered products for the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries. The unit, which is based in Middleton, Wis., is to be sold to the Monsanto Company for $150 million in cash. Agracetus's human gene therapy business will remain with W. R. Grace, doing business as Auragen Pharmaceuticals Inc. Monsanto, which is based in St. Louis, makes agricultural and chemic al products."


Vaccination with HIV 1 gp120 DNA induces immune responses that are boosted by a recombinant gp120 protein subunit



Susan W. Barnett

Sabita Rajasekar

Harold Legg

Barbara Doe

Deborah Heydenburg Fuller

Joel R. Haynes

Christopher M. Walker

Kathelyn S. Steimer


