Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz (born 1952)

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz


Born: June 20, 1952 (age 69 years)

Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz (born 1952)


2001 (summer) book - "Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare" by Dr. Leonard Horowitz

for purchase : https://www.cureshoppe.com/death-in-the-air-book/

Archive.org : https://archive.org/details/deathinairglobal00horo

The whole of chapter (7/8) - West Nile

Video Recordings : Part 1 = [HB005P][GDrive] / Part 2 = [HB005Q][GDrive] / ...

Chapters 7 and 8 PDF w/ OCR : Focus onWest Nile (pages 091 to 113) : [HB005U][GDrive]

Product Description (Dr. Horowitz released this book in June, 2001, 3-full months before the 9-11 "attack on America." Consider the prophetic title! )

Silently killing us, our family and friends, the global plagues and toxic menaces are here, yet where are you? If you are like most Americans, you've become distracted by pastimes, passions, pleasures and psycho-sensory over-stimulation. The "Technotronic Era" is here. With it comes a New World of "non-lethal" biological and chemical weapons, and warfare applications, that are being waged against defenseless civilians. Regardless of what you now think, you are being manipulated and lethally affected, and this intelligence may be crucial to you and your family's survival. Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare (ISBN: 0-923550-30-5) delivers the most heretical message in the annals of world health and American medicine, backed by the most astonishing hard-hitting documents ever revealed. Here, veteran investigator, Dr. Len Horowitz, the award-winning author of the national bestseller, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional? relays how and why populations are being insidiously victimized. Exquisitely detailed in this book are the most advanced developments in the field of population control. Genetically engineered viruses and bacteria, the latest technologies for biological warfare, and combined exposures to biochemical, metallic, and electromagnetic agents, offer a "Star Wars"-like arsenal for conducting global genocide auspiciously for "public health", "National Security", and "world peace".

Also see : Richard McCann Preston (born 1954) / https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Crichton