Coming of Age in Post-WWII America

  1. Download the "Coming of Age in the Post War Years" Primary Sources
  2. Read the Questions for Analysis at the end of the readings. Then begin reading the Primary Sources.
    1. Circle any key descriptions of life in post-WWII America
    2. Underline sections that help answer the Questions for Analysis.
  3. Answer the 5 Questions for Analysis.
  4. Download the "Historic Head Template"
  5. From the perspective of one of the individuals from the Primary Sources and will complete the following using the primary sources, the context briefings and your own research:
    1. Draw 5 visual representations of what the person was thinking about during this era (hopes, fears, goals, ideas, etc...)
    2. Number each of the five drawings 1-5.
    3. On the annotations page, explain what each of the drawings are, why you included it, and what primary source it came from.
  6. Post the picture on the class timeline.