Weekly Problem Solving

We are learning to...

Read and interpret word problems...

... reading the question a few times

...explaining what we think it means to a group member and checking to see if their understanding is the same or different.

Explain our thinking by

...talking through the steps that I have used

...defending my strategy

Understand how others have solved a problem by

... listening to what they say

...repeating what someone has said to check my understanding

...agreeing or disagreeing with someone's solution and explaining why

Sentence Starters to use when you are discussing strategies with your group....

To Understand

“What I heard you say was… is that correct?”

“Could you explain…?”

“I don’t understand…”

“I am not clear about…”

“Can you repeat that for me?”

“Can someone help me understand…?”

“Can you give me an example so I can understand?”

“I could not hear you, can you repeat what you said?”

“Can you explain that another way?”

To Build

“I want to add to that idea.”

“Another way to think about ___’s idea is…”

“I would like to build on what____ just said.

“Another strategy is…”

“What you said makes me think…”

To Summarize and Support

“What I heard is…”

“So you are saying….”

“I agree with ___ because…”

“I disagree with ___ because…”

“My strategy is like yours because…”

“I know my answer is correct because…”

To Make Connections

“This reminds me of….”

“This is just like...”

“If you ______ then it is just like____”

To Ask for Justification

“How did you decide to ___________________?”

“Why did you use that strategy?”

“I like what you said about _______ but…”

“How did you ___?”

“I wonder why…?”

To Contribute

“Based on my strategy, I think ___”

“Based on my model, I think ___”

“I think ____ is important because….”

“I noticed you ___”

“My strategy is ____”

“I know a different way.”