
Learning Intention:

  • Add and subtract decimals with different denominators

Finding the LCD

Lowest( Least) Common Denominator

Adding fractions with different denominators.

Learn: Watch the videos and practice these two strategies in your skills sheet.

Create: Make sure you have finished your mini post from last week on simplifying equivalent fractions. Don't forget to include pictures, videos or photos.

Share: Find Explain Everything on an ipad. Make an Explain Everything showing how to add two fractions with different denominators or find the LCD of two fractions.

Learning Intention:

  • find equivalent fractions
  • order fractions
  • simplify fractions

Equivalent fractions

Simplifying Fractions

Simplifying Fractions some more

Learn: Watch the videos. Talk with a friend about what you understand. think about the parts that you don't understand. What questions do you have? Ask a friend first and if you can't work them out bring your questions to the group session.

Create: Create your own equivalent fraction and then get a friend to simplify it.

Share: Make a mini post on your blog explaining briefly what you learnt. Write a few equivalent fractions for your readers to simplify. Don't forget to include pictures, videos or photos.

Learning Intention:

  • understand the place value of decimals
  • add and subtract with decimals

Adding Decimals - using reversability

Adding decimals - using compensation

Learn: Watch the videos showing two strategies for adding decimals and practice jumping the number line on your skills sheet.

Create: Work out the problems below using a strategy of your choice. Pick one problem and screencastify yourself solving it using a strategy of your choice.

1. Luke has $2. 56 and earns another $5.40 for washing the car. How much has he got altogether?

2. Nevaeh had $7.86 on her card but needed to buy food for her lizards. Now she only has $2.43. How much was the lizard food?

3. 7.59 - 4. 7 =

4. 3. 2 + 4.56 =

Share: Post your screencastify on your blog and choose one person to share it with directly by email.