
Learning Intention:

  • Revise our fraction knowledge by finding fractions of a number.

Finding the Fraction of a number through multiplication and division.

Finding a fraction of a Number - Google Docs.webm

Finding the fraction of a Number

Learn: Watch the videos and think about what you have learnt about fractions before. Practice the questions in the skills sheets and make some up yourself.

Create: Create a poster or video to show how to find out the fraction of a number using this word problem.

There are 18 children at the park waiting for their soccer game. Three sixths of them are ready, wearing their red soccer shirts and the others a wearing their jerseys or jackets. How many children are wearing red shirts ( not wearing jackets)?

Share: put your poster or DLO on your blog.

Learning Intention:

  • Use multiplication facts to solve division problems

Reversibility with multiplication and division.

What we are really understanding is how multiplication and division relate to each other. If we are working out a division problem we can reverse the problem by changing it to a multiplication problem.

Learn: Watch the video. Do you understand it? Check your knowledge with a friend and work through your skills sheet. This is the last session that we will be looking at reversibility with division.

Create: Create your own division question on a poster or whiteboard and get a friend to reverse it. Record your friend doing this on an ipad.

Share: Make a mini post on your blog explaining briefly what you learnt and post your video.

Learning Intention:

  • Use tidy numbers and jumping the number line to add big numbers up to 1000.

Jumping the number line to a tidy number first.


work out the problems and number stories in your skills sheets.


Choose one question and show your working out in a google drawing, piece of paper or a whiteboard. You can extend your thinking by getting a friend to video you or by using screen castify.


Take a photo of your working out and post it on your blog.

If you did a video post that on your blog too.