Creative Tools

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This is a new poster design tool that has different capabilities to Google draw.

Be Awesome, Use Animaker

Create Animations with Animaker.

How to use Screencastify

A tool for recording as you work on your chrome book screen with a mic.

( A way to talk through, explain or present information)

An online tool for creating posters and infographics

How to use Piktochart
Genius Hour template

A website that allows you to create animations and games.

A technique for animating. It can be used to give information or make movies.

Genius Hour - Stop Motion

A website made by children to teach how to film and edit on ipad and mac.

This amazing photo editor lets you add effects, edit photos and make photo collages.

You might remember something you forgot or get new ideas for how you can use google slides.

Google Slides
Google Drawing

When you look through these tools you might find that google draw suits you best or that their might be another tool here that is better.

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